Reflex Grizzly?



Just started Bow Hunting and was looking for something to get me started. I've read some good things about the Reflex Grizzly. Price is pretty good. Any suggestions on a good starter bow?

It's a good bow that should give you years of service. They do have a package on the bow that offers a good value as well. It's a fairly forgiving setup with good speed and you should be able to come up the learning curve quickly with this bow. There are other alternatives out there as well so look around but the Hoyt's are nice. The cam 1/2 is a nice system and they shoot great. Good luck.
I've made up my mind, the Reflex Grizzly will be my next purchase. I did a little research on it and what persuaded me most was cost. This bow is almost as good as the ultra expensive bows at half the price. If you haven't already seen the article posted this summer in Outdoor Life Magazine, here's a link to it, they review about 10 different bows including the Reflex Grizzly
I did read the review in Outdoor Life. That is what first peaked my interest. The price was good, but I just wanted to get the opinions of some hunters before I went after it. Thanks for the input.


I just purchased a Reflex Buckskin a couple of months ago. I am extremely happy with it. It is quiet, fast, and shoots well. Hope that helps.

i bought a reflex a few years ago - the bighorn starter package, $ was cheap and a great bow...was shooting 270 fps very accurately and killed lots of deer...passed it on to my dad last year and he kept on killing with it. it was faster and quieter than a lot of my friends more expensive bows.

i think they are great bows...definitely give you great value for the buck.
LAST EDITED ON Oct-12-04 AT 12:25PM (MST)[p]Thanks again for the advice. My wife surprised me two weekends ago and took me down to the local archery store. I ended up buying the PSE Deerhunter combo package. It felt the best to me, the only thing I didn't like was it has a dual cam. But I am shooting it well and that is what matters.

I actually never got to shoot the Grizz because I couldn't find anybody in my area that had them in stock.
That's not a bad bow to start with...make sure you put on a good rest and sight. Let me know if you have any more questions. You can email me at

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