Rediculous arrest



McDonald's Worker Arrested for Serving Cop Salty Hamburger
Saturday, September 08, 2007

A McDonald's worker in Union City, Ga., was arrested and jailed Thursday night for putting too much salt and pepper on a police officer's hamburger, MyFoxAtlanta reported Friday.

Kendra Bull was mixing hamburger meat when, she said, too much salt and pepper accidentally spilled into the bowl. Bull said her manager was working with her, and continued to make patties out of the meat. Bull grilled and ate one of the over-seasoned burgers for her dinner break and grilled the remaining burgers from the batch.

A police officer purchased one of the salty burgers and became sick. According to MyFoxAtlanta, the police accused Bull of purposely pouring the salt and pepper on the burger and charged her with reckless conduct. The police photographed the burger, took the sick cop to the hospital, and carted Bull off to jail.

Bull, who spent Thursday night in jail until she was released on a $1,000 signature bond Friday morning, admitted the burgers were too salty, but said she ate one from the batch and did not get sick. She also said that security cameras trained on the work area and grill will prove that the salt was spilled accidentally.

Bull's attorney, a public defender, asked the judge to dismiss the charges, but the judge refused.
Well...if her story is true officers better not go to that McD's restaurant anymore, huh? There might be worse stuff in those cop burgers than just salt. Which is why this officer was probably suspicious in the FIRST place, huh?

I don't think I'd do drive-ups if I were an officer. No way. I've SEEN the folks who work at McD's around here and I'm thinkin' they're not officers' best friends.
I am in the food business and find that story hard to believe. I think McDonald's uses frozen premade hamburger patties. So someone mixing ground beef in a bowl doesn't add up.
I'am with Larrbo, since when does Mcdonalds make and cook their own patties. All they are, are pre fabed and pre cooked crap that all they do is microwave them and throw them on a bun. Thats why I don't eat there. She probally did throw a bunch of salt on that cops burger.
Years ago in Phx a guy working at a fast food restaurant got arrested for hocking a greenie on a burger destine for a police officer. If I remember right, the made the comment..."that's what this cop gets". Probably happens more than we'd like to know.
Here in NM it's happened twice this year . They put pot in a couple Los Lunas cops burgers , they too got arrested and made Jay Lenos jack asss awards...The other incident was up near Farmington....
This goes on all the time. A detective I worked with pulled into a local fast food place, a big chain that everyone would recognize, and ordered a burger at the driveup window.
Unknown to him, the local doper that was fixing the burgers, recognized him even though he was in plain clothes and driving a unmarked vehicle. When he got the burger, the wrapper had a message written on it. "This is for you Pig", "I hope you enjoy it". Officer notified the manager, she refused to do anything about it and defended the A-hole.
Several months later, local cops got even, they arrested the manager on felony charges. It seems she was selling crank along with those burgers out of the fast food place.
She learned that there is some officers that you better not piss off when you are doing things illegal in the first place.


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