Recent MM get together


Long Time Member
This picture was snapped at a recent MM mixer where members could get to know each other and put faces with names. I'll let you guys that were there fill in the "who's who".

I couldn't attend because I was in Mexico at the time. I do know the guy on the right with the gold necklace is RUS. I'm posting a photo of RUS at the Trekkie Convention and you will see it's RUS in both photos.

>I can't identify them but I
>know it was in Kona!
>You can figure it out......:)

Eel you plick!
Here is a pic of Ransom at the most recent convention he went to - I think he goofed up though and went to the wrong one - can you guess which one is him?


Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Jun-28-08 AT 04:52PM (MST)[p]He also messed up going to the opening of Disneys "All our good looking princesses have the day off" Convention.

S.T.H.U. thank you very

Who could forget the get together of 05'??


Or this one from 02'?

You so crazy, Bighorn!

Man down! Man down! Casualty in 03'
Actual photo of a recent staff meeting of the MOD'S.

Kilo is camera left ( when he was younger ) Founder is next ... Browtine next ..... then our favorite wannabe Pro Outdoors!

Sorry BCB, ABH, and NOC .. you guy's gotta show up or you'll end up like HuntSonora!


Get a grip!!!! Just teasing!!!!!!

Oh Tk, you're not immune to this. I understand you were unable to attend because you were at a dedication of this statue honoring American women and all they have contributed to this great country we live in.


>You should see the sweet little
>ewe outfit my wife wears.

he has.....


you led with your jaw
I sure did.

And here D-cup tries to use his jaw to drink some of that Coors light but can't seem to get his chins out of the way.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-29-08 AT 12:24PM (MST)[p]They'll never put kilo in charge of the entertainment again. Seems he prefers a "more mature" form of fun. Here's the "hot" stripper he lined up for the evenings festivities.

Here's NVBighorn at his 5 year class reunion, "he" was the oldest in his class, as he stopped by 5th grade for 6 tours!

LAST EDITED ON Jun-29-08 AT 02:25PM (MST)[p]They say what happens in Vegas stays in Vegas. Tag, this pic really should have stayed in Vegas. Here's Tag on the happiest day of his/her life, so far.

LAST EDITED ON Jun-29-08 AT 04:01PM (MST)[p]OMFG.....I've had some drunken fun in my life,but nothing even slightly like that.Besides NV, that was taken in California last week at the wedding of Brian and Chris. It aint me,I swear I was here in SLC all last week working. LMFAO

Oh i know i'm going to hell for laughing at that one Fug.... what did the caption say before you erased it?

Might as well throw a ew more in here.

Ransom has never been the same since the donkey show


Jenn never did make it!


The morning after!


Still havent decided who these guys are.


Bess didnt make it either


If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?
LAST EDITED ON Jun-29-08 AT 08:26PM (MST)[p]AWLB---I wouldn't say it's a bad idea, there's a chance it could turn out just fact i'd say the odds are about 12 in 40,000,000,000 that it will be just fine, but there's a chance.

lol.....please dont back out of the BBQ. I'm jumping through hoops to get that day off, just for it. And let me tell you getting my fat ass through a hoop aint easy


How does the saying go? I'm in the best shape of my life....if ROUND is a shape.


You don't want to miss it. Here's a couple of kilos young, classy, virgin, hotties that will be there.

The internet is truly a wonderful place to live, is it not? I have a whole folder of pictures stashed away for just the right occasion. Some of them would get nuked too quickly, struck down in their prime. :)
LOL This thread is hilarious. I miss Bucksnort though. He'd had some good comments and pics to throw in. Where are you Snort!!??
What amazes me about this thread is no one has gotten carried away and gotten it nuked. Good job boys and girls! The other amazing thing TK, is that you didn't smack me down for the statue picture. :) ooops maybe you missed that one.

Since when did I become the PIMP DADDY around here?? Rackmasterbaiter should and could handle that job better.

Oh I saw it! When I finally wiped the tears out of my eyes from crying cuz I was laughing so hard I filed the insult away in the "get him back someday" department. LOL
LAST EDITED ON Jun-30-08 AT 08:48PM (MST)[p]ABE -

HAAA HAAA HAAA HAAA HAAA HAAA HAA HAAA HAAA HAAA! Brilliant! Absolutely brilliant!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)

You better go out there in the Six Rivers NF and get yourself lost, that KKK will be looking for your arse and put that trophy where the sun don't shine. LOL

and this is the last time we invite Bert..

>Here is TTK after winning the
>MM golf challenge!

It's been nice knowin ya eel...
What? I don't see what the big deal is. I just really, really, really like that trophy. I was very pleased and pleasured to have won it. I know NVBighorn may be jealous that HE didn't win it...I saw him eyeballing it and fantasizing about where he would put it when he got it home, but I beat him fair and square. It's mine and I am not letting him have it. I sleep with that thing I'm afraid someone will steal it.

I knew Jenn would have a sense of humor about it!:) That's an actual photo of when Christie Kerr won the Longs Drugs Challenge in 2002!


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