


Every year some jerkoff is flying for mule deer in the area i bowhunt them in. Last year they screwed my chances on a 230-240 droptine nontypical by harassing it in a airplane. An hour later the entire draw is full of out of state hunters. They are back at it again in the same canyon this year. Makes me sick. You would think using an airplane would be illegal, not only that but a true hunter would think it takes away from the total experience. Hopefully the use of airplanes and copters will be outlawed in Wyoming very shortly.
+2 GntShedz Can't see any reason it should be legal...

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
I agree! It would totally detract from the hunt let alone the fact that it blew your stalk!

Some people want to "score" at ANY cost and by any method. Usually these are the same guys who hunt with a tape in their pocket! To them it's all about the score of the kill rather than the romance of the hunt.

I feel your pain.

And..... what are uav's? UltraLights?

Oh, I'll have me one of those! LOL


Thanks, You're probably right. OFT's (overhead flying targets) is more like it.

I'm too old for some of this stuff. I've finally decided that trail cams are OK as long as they don't mind a photo or two of my buttcrack!

Now we're going to be spied on from above? What is this hunting thing coming to?


Let me just start by saying,
"That would be ME who shot it down!" "I thought it was a goose!" "So sorry dude" "I hope you got good vidio of my .338 bore!" LMAO

haha soundsbout right TAG. A friend and I had been watching this particular buck for 6 days. Every morning this buck would bed on the same ridge. Throughout the course of the day he would get up stretch then follow the shade around a tree he had a bed dug around. Once he would get up he would walk to the bottom and cross a HUGE ditch with very steep high walls. We were set up on the trail crossing the ditch. He was up and heading down the trail. I knew i would loose sight of him momentarily. He re-appears at 120 yards and coming in on a string right when I hear the airplane from hell. Only being a few hundred feet off the ground it passes right over head, makes a turn at the top of the canyon and kept on making passes. The buck was gone. Only to be seen a few more times and mile away as the plane(s) continued thier barbardment of the countryside over the next 7 days. I never thought i would ever have the chance to see and hunt such a monster deer. Ontop of that i never thought i would get so close to killing it only to get screwed out of the chase at the final moments. Looking back im just glad to ever have got a chance to see such a fine mule deer buck
We haven't seen any planes where we hunt but there's always someone who puts there blue tent right in the open and then walk out of there tent with camo on.

"Hopefully the use of airplanes and copters will be outlawed in Wyoming very shortly."

Section 12. Use of Aircraft to Spot or Locate Wildlife. No person shall use any aircraft to aid in the taking of any Wyoming wildlife, except predatory animals, whether by spotting or locating the wildlife, communicating with any person attempting to take the wildlife, or by providing other aid to any person taking the wildlife within twenty-four (24) hours of being airborne. Nothing in this Section shall apply to commercial, commuter or other aircraft used for the sole purpose of passenger transport.

Fred Lindzey, President
Dated: April 27, 2011
Thanks for the info, yes i wish we would have filmed it and got the numbers off of it. I knew they where breaking the 24 hr law. I just wish the law was no flying for game during the hunting season. i will be there for the first week of season again, i will turn them in as i didnt even think about it last year. i was so discusted i didnt think about taking film or looking at the numbers. it was white with a blue. Ive told locals and they say its a local outfitting joint thats really popular doing it, but i wont say any names for i dont know this for a fact.
Why don't you contact the local game warden for the area you hunt and give him the information of what you have already. Including the information you got from a local about a possible outfitter being responsible.

They may be able to put someone in the area this coming season and try to ascertain if they have game laws being violated. Other wise if you hunt and it happens again, it may be another year before they can get enough evidence to support criminal charges.

Saw this happen in unit 102 back in '06,while guiding there for an outfitter buddy.These guys were flying,locating,and then returning in vehicles to the area to hunt the bucks they found.Same day.I brought this up to my state rep(Bill Thompson),and the law was passed the following year(I think).Got the license # off of a truck where these guys were camped,gave it to my cop friend,and she traced it.Turns out it was another outfitter from Lovell(way north of unit 102).I would like to see a law passed that any licensed hunter cannot fly for the purpose of locating big game during ANY big game season in progress.
I wonder how much lead it would take to hit a plane doing that! Seriously though, I think RELH is spot on about getting the ball rolling right away and putting a stop to that crap before the season hardly gets going. If it's been happening, you can pretty much figure that it will continue until someone is busted for violating that law. I believe George Taulman of USO lost his airplane for those types of outfitting violations in either New Mexico or Arizona a few years ago when all the flap was going on about draw percentages and he was trying to change the AZ law? That's why I like to see people hit to the full extent of the law on major game law violations, including confiscation of everything but their shorts, so that others will think twice before cheating. This is what happens when the sport is made into an "industry" and lots of money is involved the way it is now and it makes me sick!
It has been a long downhill ride since the sport became an industry. Add money and lots of people just can't control themselves.
Get a working relationship with the local game wardens. The two in my area are great I have set up several poachers locations and another guy who always hunts without a license. In all cases I have received thank you calls. In the end its up to us to help wardens stop the criminal element.
Thanks guys for the above information. I have early tommorow off and will make the the phone calls. I will give the guiding operations name even tho i dont know for sure.

Cornhusker, Ive tried to have a working relationship with our game and fish. They dont even know migration routes. When you talk to them they try and make you feel stupid. Even though I and friends can find deer in the summer and 20-30 miles away in winter and have been watching the decline for 20 years. They appeal to public opinion more than facts. To your face they agree with anything you say, just try it. They are a mediator of public opinion ( a snake in tall grass).It almost seems like they are fall guys for concern. which in my eyes is you follow the $ and see who has the greater interest. thats why im hesitant to report, simply because i know how "thier" process works. It seems people that are very passionate of the mule deer herd are looked down upon more than anyone. It seems more of a conflict of interest to the overall agenda of the game and fish for people to know of decline or the overall health of a herd. I strongly believe this is why winter range closures are inforced. WE had the harrassment laws already in place. Why make a strong law that inhibits law abiding citizens from accessing on roads critical winter ranges to dictate whether or not they are doing thier jobs as saviors of our herds. I can tell you whats going to happen to our deer herds. Relatives, I and a friends already forseen the closure coming ten years ago. I bet its going to cost you to find antlers off of a deer thats no longer part on the animal that fell on public lands ( which means its yours as "public"). The G$F are going to make as much money off of the herd as they can until they have no choice but to go to a severe limited draw. Its called get it while the gettin is good. Folks can bash me all you want, but as sportsman and shepards of the land we are failing ourselves thru greed and the oppurtnity to kill whats left in g, h and k in wyoming. remember its not whats in our freezer, b/c we all know beef is cheaper.. If we can do something now tags wont be as hard to get in the future, and the cost of that tag will be lower. Its a sad day in a tradtional hunters life when he can forshadow its becoming a richmans sport.. check the record books it tells the tale
GntShedz You raise some very good points. I have always had good luck with game and fish in both Wyoming and Colorado as well as my home state of Ne..
I here the boy's in NE talk about shooting coyotes out of a plane, you see a difference? I alway's thought shootin coyotes out of a plane would be a blast!
These were good 'ol boy's tho, not even sure it is legal in Nebraska anymore?
We used to shoot them out of a couple of little piper cubs some guys around town had. I really don't know if its legal. I think most things are in the Sandhills, nobody is there to notice if not. Black Mange got most of the coyotes now we have thousands of deer. It was a blast until two guys I knew ended up crashing and dieing on the side of a hill in about 1986 or so.

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