Really Tuckered Out??


Long Time Member
The work season has really come in with a bang, i'm having to turn work down now when a month ago there was little. I admit, i'm not in good shape, my back hurts some, and i just have a hard time putting in a HARD days physical work anymore...but that is what i've been doing, plus some.

Question; When i got home just now after 11 hrs of busten butt, i sat in my truck for 15 minutes or so cause i was just too tired and wore out to move. Ever feel that way or do that??

We are getting old sage,admit it!}>}>}>
And always remember:
They say it runs down hill & paydays are on Fridays!
I think somebody lied?
Paydays ain't always on Fridays & I've seen a few try & run it up hill,lol!
Yes, i admit it bess, i'm getting old!! Age don't have as much to do with it as staying in shape i think. I know lots of guys older than me can still get er done. I'm pretty busted up and the extra i'm packing don't help.

I used to like being one of the bigger dudes around, used to. The older i got, the bigger i get and today's work was all under the floor tying in waste and water lines in a rock infested crawl area that i had to tunnel into and couldn't even roll over it was so tight. 2 cabins down, 3 more to do and on to the next job. I ain't complaining, glad to have the work, just wondering if others have felt too tired to get out the truck! :)

I've had days where my knee gives out getting out of the truck and dont have the energy to get up! No knee injuries, but if theres something to do I go full bore till its done. I need to learn how to slow down a bit...

You find out who your friends are when you see who shows up to help pack your bull out!

Joey I can relate to how you feel. 16 years of manufacturing kicked my "A". Some of those shops were hot as he ll. I am now semi retired working for the Government, lol
There has been a few times I walked in the door and took a nap in the entry way, I hate dealing with hot days and lazy @$$ co-workers

Rub some dirt on it, ya sissy!
J_86, said, "I need to learn how to slow down a bit..."

Lol, Yeah, been there! Not any more though. Good for you! Serious, it's nice to be able to get after it and know for certain that nobody can out work you!! A lot of times now, i get paid for what i know as much as what i do. Still though, some days are rough!!

Rugarm, i don't believe i could do what you do. I'd be willing to trade pension plans though?? :)

Kawboy, LOL, Thanks for stopping in!! I was a working Foreman for a good sized Plumbing Co for a lot of years. I never could abide of a man that was lazy and wanted a career instead of a job!! Fired many a guy, most said they was world beaters and could do it all... some got half days wages and sent home at noon! Ain't no room for slackers in a small time construction business!

I know how you feel Joey. I raked and burned pine needles last weekend at the cabin. After I was done I sat down and really had a hard time getting out of my chair. It's heck to get old.
I cleaned every gun I own over the last two days. I got all dirty on my

I feel for the pain. It gets worse if you don't stay in shape, and ROUND ain't a shape.
In my younger days when I worked on a logging crew I felt that way most every day. Running up and down the hills dragging chokers and trying to stay alive.

I worked for one outfit that had fired 12 guys in a row when I got my chance. They kept me on. (lucky me, or maybe they just ran out of idiots and had to keep me :)) I had a lot of pride back then. Doing the job was more important than getting paid. When I did quit, the boss told me that he'd had other guys as good as me, but none better.

I have a physically easy job now. I have a heater and a radio and it's all flat ground.

Larrbo, Raking needles while them fish is biting? That's a good job for the wife, we need to get out there again!! lol

Nickman, Cleaning your own guns is a labor of love!! Speaking of that, reminds me that i have some gun safe residents that could use a few strokes. :)

Eel, I'll bet you was hell on wheels back in the day eel! Seems you still stay pretty busy and good on yeah!! I know a couple guys that did/do what you do at the Collins Pine Mill here in Chester. I plumbed their bathroom in when they moved the file shop upstairs in the new mill. They got it pretty nice up there!

After a full night runnin tow trucks It's awful dang hard to keep myself going at work the next day. Ahhh the pleasures of being a small buisness owner

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