Really light home-made ice cream


Long Time Member
Any body make your own ice cream? Just heavy whipping cream, sweetened condensed milk, and the juice from one orange. Tastes like an old time Creamsicle! You can add orange food coloring, but don't need to. The real trick is keeping the mice out of it, until it sets!!!

Any body make your own ice cream? Just heavy whipping cream, sweetened condensed milk, and the juice from one orange. Tastes like an old time Creamsicle! You can add orange food coloring, but don't need to. The real trick is keeping the mice out of it, until it sets!!!

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I’ve made lots of homemade ice cream, but not that one. What’s your recipe? Sounds good
One cup heavy whipping cream, 1/2 cup sweetened condensed milk, fresh juice from one orange. Can add orange food coloring if you want, but don't need to.

Beat the whipped cream until stiff peaks. Add sweetened milk and beat in. Add orange juice and blend lightly. Transfer to a container and freeze for several hours.

One of those dumb ads on FB, and actually was pretty good. :)

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