Reality Check


Long Time Member
Lets just examine a little history. You are free to chime in and tell me where my memory is wrong. Time has passed and I may have some of my facts off.

Years ago SFW had a legal agreement to manage distribution of 200 tags for the DWR at the western expo.

Some people did not like that.

Some people did like it because they are realizing dollar for dollar contracted companies being paid by government actually do more work than the government.

During a bidding process SFW agreed to give a majority portion of the revenue from those 200 tags back to the DWR. The DWR agreed and started receiving revenue from the 200 tags. After this people have still complained that nothing got better for the deer and blame SFW although the DWR is controlling MORE MONEY.

Another couple of years I guess some representative realizes government is acting like government with the money and animals aren't benefiting. SO he formulates a solution. Lets make a "fund" (MORE GOVERNMENT) and the money has to go in there.

So how in the hell does anyone actually believe this will help wildlife?

Fire away.

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