Real or Fake???


Long Time Member
Nope fellas this isnt about Boobs.;)
What kind of Christmas trees do you all get.
I like the double needle pinion, smell great and they don't dry out to fast.
I am partial to real trees. I did just sell a vintage (1960's) 7' aluminum Pom Pom tree WITH a color wheel on egay for $252.50 :).
Real for me....


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Never had a fake one. The fake ones stay nice and perky though. The real ones droop over time, but I'll take a real one, thank you. They smell so nice!:)

The last two years I've been able to cut two white fir on my property. I think there is another one for this year too.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Hay Eel I seen a few nice ones in the neighborhoods and have my eye on a nice silver tree of choice!
last year someone beat me to the tree (a white fir) I wanted so we had to buy one!

Always had a real one but it was such a hassle getting it put up and lights on it. And if we bought one it dried up and became a fire hazard too fast. So a few years ago we quit arguing about it and bought a prelit fako. Best thing I ever did as far as Christmas trees go. My blood pressure runs a lot lower in December now.
Most people that live in the mountains where i do, cut themselves Silvertip firs for X-mas trees. They get top dollar for them in the big cities but are quite common around here. We do need to go up another 1000 ft or so of elevation though and there has been enough snow, if it don't melt off, to stop some from their first choice in a tree. Trees by the millions, everywhere you look...take your pick! :)

I'd much rather have a real tree but some folks use the fake ones and they do look awful nice too and do have their advantages.

Just FYI, One must be careful not to have or possess a "real" Christmas tree in, on, or near, a school zone. They have been known to; fall on and injure innocent children, be the cause of electrical shocks, be trimmed with several specific colors known to be gang related, burst into flames, and burn down houses! Anyone caught or suspected to possess x-mass trees within 1000 ft of a school will be sought out by tree sniffing dogs, with possession of such a tree, punishable by irrevocable suspension and/or expulsion, or, as in normal examples, banishment from the Community in general, if not, the State of Calif as a whole. This is a no tolerance, no exception policy, backed by your friendly Board of Education in strong support of their always expanding, "safer places for our young future leaders of America," agenda. j/k

Ever since I was young the family always had a Silvertip for Christmas tree.
The wife and I use to buy them every year till about 10 years ago and stopped wasting the money on high priced S.T or Blue Spruce trees.
We have a small table top fake tree that is about 15" tall and lights. She wants to get one this year and I said what for, no one is going to be here from the bah humbug.

I wish the year would go from NOV 25th to Jan 2nd and loose that time in between there.

>Always had a real one but
>it was such a hassle
>getting it put up and
>lights on it. And if
>we bought one it dried
>up and became a fire
>hazard too fast. So a
>few years ago we quit
>arguing about it and bought
>a prelit fako. Best thing
>I ever did as far
>as Christmas trees go. My
>blood pressure runs a lot
>lower in December now.

+1. Had a real one that had burn marks everywhere the lights were. With 4 young girls, a fake tree lets me sleep a lot better now.
Gotta be real, noble, 14'+ tall and full! None of this 1-2 foot gaps between branches crap.

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!

LAST EDITED ON Nov-23-09 AT 06:41AM (MST)[p]"Nope fellas this isnt about Boobs.;)"

Silly girl - with men, it's always about boobs.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
I like em BIG and fake! :D

Seriously I live in the middle of millions of christmas trees on tree farms and me and the tree growers just don't see eye to eye on a number of things so I'll only have a fake tree, I'll NEVER buy a real one! If I want a real one I'll go out and cut an ugly Charlie Brown real one in the woods!

Success is failure that tried one more time
Silvertips otherwise known as red fir were the tree of choice when I was growing up.

from the "Heartland of Wyoming"
Fake tree for me, I won't put a dead tree in my house for safety reasons. I grew up with live trees and the thing I missed most when I first went with the fake tree was the day spent with family finding them. The last couple years I buy a tree tag and go find one to give to some other family that wants a live one.

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To each is own I say real or fake, perky or flat, original or store bought. Thanks for sharing your thoughts.Now get your butts busy, and get those Trees up!!!;)

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