Real canned Hunt!!!!!



while crusin on another web site found post about a BIG BOAR
Poteet Texas- 122" 650# boar
shows picture of boar stretched across the tail gate and his rear end hanging off to the side, with the happy hunter posing with his KILL

then as you read on in the post you find out that he had entered it into a contest- one of the posts-

He wasn't a farm escapee. He was bought at an auction barn and shot, then entered in a big hog contest. When the picture came out in the paper the farmer who sold the hog recognized his hog and told the contest officials. They disqualified the hog. In the meantime the buyer/shooter/contest entrant dumped the hog on the side of the road somewhere out in the sticks. The hog was found by someone who had heard the story and they notified the sheriff. The dumper was charged with littering. By now he may have been charged with other crimes.

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