Read this. I have been talking about this for a few years now.


Long Time Member
People are finally starting to realize that wildlife management and hunting is an extremely dynamic relationship. The principles of a century ago aren't necessarily exactly what wildlife nor hunters need today. While the opening of the article is really good the supporting ideas aren't all necessarily well thought out and some of the most important problems are being missed. However it is starting a dialogue which Americans better listen to and be involved in developing the next great American wildlife model for the sake of all hunters and the future generations.
I read it. The salient point I got was that the realities of hunting in this country are changing now and going to change more and faster. Fact. If sportsmen and conservationists want to have a voice loud enough to be heard over politicians and commercial interests; we better get our eyes off the rear view mirror, our heads out of the sand, and figure out how to cooperate in protecting our resources and interests. Outfitters and private land owners are among the commercial interests noted above.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-03-16 AT 09:58AM (MST)[p]Good article. Thanks for posting. Two quotes stood out to me.

Quote #1 - Dr. Valerius Geist: "The model is a piece of history. It's not my history?I'm European. But it is one of North America?s great cultural achievements, and you should be goddamn proud of it,? insists Geist, with a stern warning. ?What you see in the model is what survived after decades of evolution. It still contains wisdom that transcends many issues of today, and if it's abandoned completely, we'll all lose a hell of a lot.?

My take: Yes, we need to look for creative and collaberative approaches to the problems currently faced by wildlife and sportsmen. However, the NACM is a time-tested model and the principles set forth therein provide a solid foundation for addressing those problems. Don't believe the Don Peays of the world who are preaching that the NACM is outdated and the equivalent of hunting welfare and socialism. Don't throw the baby out with the bath water.

Quote #2 - "Demand absolute transparency from the nonprofit organizations selling special tags on behalf of states."

My take: I hope somebody from the DWR, SFW and MDF took the time to read this article. Wake up Utah!


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