Read: My most important post ever. PC


Long Time Member
Seriously folks. Someone "hacked", or whatever, my pcthegreat hotmail account. A friend of mine called me and said she had gotten an e-mail from me. It read that I was stuck in England and to send a specified sum of money. Unless you want to throw money away, simply delete it. Let me know if you get anything here at MM. My hotmail account is deactivated now. Paul
LAST EDITED ON Mar-28-10 AT 04:05PM (MST)[p]Paul, That sucks! I already sent $500., that's all i could afford!

Are you going to make it good :)

J/K, sorry to hear that you been messed with like that. Seems to be getting worse all the time.

>AT 04:05?PM (MST)

>Paul, That sucks! I already sent
>$500., that's all i could
>Are you going to make it
>good :)


that sucks!
I got one saying your stuck in a whore house and needed condoms. Oh well I hope somebody puts them to a good use.
This is actually becoming common, these guys know that you won't respond to some random dude from Nigeria, so they send it out to your friends from you.....there are new tools coming online that check send lists to see if it was sent to all the person's contacts and then mark it as spam if it was......sorry bro.

LAST EDITED ON Mar-28-10 AT 09:55PM (MST)[p]Paul,
I got that email and been thinking if that happened and all was taken, how the hell did you remember my email address and ask for help.
Sure a bunch of Low life POS out there in this world. I was going to reply and ask what kind of beer you wanted and see what was replied as I know you only drink one brand and kind and NOTHING ELSE.

Brian, did you really get that e-mail? Is there a way to post it so I could look at it? You're right, I can't remember an e-mail address for $hit!! pc
This is getting really bad these days.
Not sure if it pertains to your case but i have heard several times to NOT leave your PC's on when your not using them, shut them down at night or anytime your not using it.[/IMG]
Here is the email I received "from you".

How are you doing? Hope you get this on time,I am sorry I didn't inform you about my traveling for a Program. It is currently held in United Kingdom.I'm Presently in London. It has been a very sad and a bad moment for me because I got robbed on my way to the hotel where I lodged. My ID, phone, cash and other valuables I have with me got stolen, Thank God i wasn't hurt.
I have already reported the incidence to the police immediately and all neccessary steps has been taking and they also gave me a police report to the embassy and the embassy promised to get me a temporary documents in replacement of my stolen passport and they gave me a temporary ID. But i will want you to please assist me with some money urgently to enable me settle my hotel bills and get myself back home.All i need now is the sum of 1,800pounds and it should be approximately $2,734usd this will get my problems sorted out.I am facing a hard time here because i have no money on me,I'm starving, I don't even have any money to feed myself for a day.I will appreciate whatever you can afford to assist me with and I promise to Refund the money as soon as i return.I Knew i could Count on you.Please let me know if you can be of any assistance. I was told that the fastest means to receive money here is through Western Union money transfer and here is my info below to receive the money.

Receiver Name: Paul Crawford
Address: 92 Chapel Street,
Luton, Bedfordshire
England UK

And after I receive the money I will email you on the arrangements to get back home and kindly email me back with the senders details and the MTCN numbers after you are done with the Western Union. Thanks for your help and concern.




I knew it was BS because there was no request for BEER. LOL

I had one of those guys try to scam me out of a truck I was selling that he wanted shipped to Dublin, Ireland. I played with him for about 3 weeks.

It was too much fun when I emailed him the confirmation number for the FTC investigation!!

The same thing happened to my cousin's Facebook account. One day I got an instant message from him saying he was stuck in Wales and needed some money to get back. I knew something was wrong immediately and that it wasn't my cousin. So I decided to play along - I asked the guy if he had met our uncle Sid there and if the boils had healed up yet. I then said "yeah, that syphilis is some bad stuff - better watch where you did your quill from now on" and then asked him if he had met up with our "contacts from South America" there and if he had "the stuff" and that if he even used a gram of it for personal use that "Tony" would cut his head off and send it to his mother via Fed-Ex. The guy totally went along with it! I had to laugh because my cousin is a former LEO and a straight up guy, plus we have no relatives in Wales. Then the guy asked again for money and I told him that he would get his cut once he crossed the border from Canada and he would have to wait until then. Then I couldn't take it anymore and finally told him that I knew it was a hoax and that he was a lying thief. Dude turned off the chat and "de-friended" me immediately. It took a couple of days for my cousin to get control of his account but he took care of it and nobody got taken.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
These scammers are getting bad.

I keep getting emails from someone pretending to be my daughter. She says she needs money for food for her and my grandkids. This person is GOOD. They even sign it "Your loving daughter". It all sounds legit, but I'm no fool. DELETE, DELETE, DELETE.

Let your older relatives know to watch out for a scam out of Canada that I have had to take reports of. They somehow correlate a grandson/granddaughter with a phone number to a grandparent and have someone call them. They claim that they are stuck in Canada usually been arrested for drugs or guns and need some money, usually less than $3000. They always say don't tell Mom or Dad I am too embarassed. Luckily the clerk at our local Western Union refused to transfer the one and told the lady to report it to the Police. The lady's daughter told her that her grandson was at work down the road and she was still insistant that he was in Canada in jail and needed help. They keep the amount low because they know if they get it no one is coming after them because of the low dollar amount.

PAul- even more believable would have been that terrorists were holding your beer captive and demanding ransom.
Brian, could you please give me a call? I have an idea. I think you have my phone number...pc

Pred, by the way, it's good to hear from you. Haven't seen any posts from you lately. PC
I knew it was a hoax right off Paul, because it said you were asking for money instead of beer! Keep in touch. Lisa
Brian, yes, us lazy school teachers are on Spring break. I'll be waiting.

Lisa, good to hear from you. I'll let you know when I get a new e-mail account. Paul
You can disable or cancel your email all you want, it won't matter. They have your address and that is all they need. It's called phishing. I wouldn't worry about it too much.

I sent a bunch of money to that address. I am so embarrased. If you want to make it up to me you can send me one of those pre 64 06's that I know you have. We'll call it even after that.

PM me for the Federal Firearm license details for shipping,


hey Bean, did I mention I am Paul's accountant? So if you could send me the sum you sent to the hostage takers, as well as the customary suitcase of beer, I will make sure it is, well, ACCOUNTED FOR. :)


Glad things are getting worked out --- bummer for sure! You can send any PMs to me here on MM ...

--- Tom

"Every man dies --- not every man really lives."

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