Re: Hunting Shows


Long Time Member
Re: Hunting Shows

My chronic back pain must be getting the better of me today! Man am I grumpy!

I just watch Jake Latedresse (whom I never seen before) shoot a buck named Hollywood thru the guts. Look for it for two days and by the grace of God some Sheriff had a friend a county or town over that finds the deer dead which I'm sure was killed by coyotes (so you all know that this majestic animal had to fight to his death and it wasn't a fair fight because he was wounded) because someone makes a terrible shot. It's kinda like the famous gun fighter ends up getting killed by the town idiot or a child. I'm sure Hollywood was quite diappointed to be killed in this manner.(I also sent him the same type message.)

And to add insult to injury Hollywood was then propped up to do the final segment for the show and adds a child in at the end to booth.

Holy moly

"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
You've never made a bad shot? The only people that haven't make bad shots are people that don't take shots, and liars.Maybe you are the exception?

I agree with you Joe I quit watching them a few years back and couldn't tell you of one that is now on tv. I believe they send an incorrect message to younger kids and future hunters when it all becomes about the hero shot. I used to find the host pretty inept and irritating. I will occasionally watched a Randy Newburg podcast I feel like he's one of us.
Hi 257Tony
Yes, unfortunately I have, but I was lucky enough to find her before the coyotes got her and I stayed out until I found her.
What looked like in the footage was, it was a quartering to him shot. I had a 5x5 at 35 yards with my bow (and this would have been my first elk bow kill) but he was facing me so I opted not to shoot.
If it wasn't that this big deer was named Hollywood he wouldn't have shot at it. I don't know if the deer was a Booner or not but it was a nice one.

Thanks again

"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
I used to watch a number of hunting shows but the past 5 years they've only annoyed me to no end. ALL of them have nothing in common with the common hunter. They all want to be the hero regardless of how many times they call themselves average!
I haven't watch one in about 3 years now and I'm better for it.
There's my 2 cents,
You know Zeke, I like the upland game hunts with Tom Brokaw (I'm sure I'm spelling that wrong) I bought the package deal of the Eastman's DVD's pretty cool, I like the Duckmen, and my wife loves the upland and waterfowl dog shows.


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
Watching a dog work is very rewarding if you understand the patience involved with their training.
Hey Joe, how do you feel about arguing with senility?
I can remember

Joe, I think

"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
If you want to see a dedicated hunter chase huge jaw dropping bucks, watch "Live2Hunt" with Cody Robbins. Definitely my favorite hunting show on now.

My newest pet peeve of hunting shows.

It seems like most of the archery guys that shoot a animal in the afternoon, say we waited till morning to track. Bull shyt. Watched a show tonight, where the elks belly is turned away from the camera, you can tell he has been gutted, and flys everywhere.
They are congradulating themselves for waiting overnight. You know the meat is ruined.
It happens some times where you cant find the animal that night, but, you better try. This wait for the morning is BS, for slob hunters that could care less about the meat.
The show tonight was Man vs. Elk. The guy even said after the shot I think I heard him fall.
At least an hour or more of light in a early fall hunt.

These guys are more worried about getting video that preserving the meat of the animal they just killed. Yea, it pisses me off.
So did Cody strip the velvet off and get the new world record?


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
NMPaul +1000
a lot of the shows I've been seeing are from the south home of nascar. and there's nothing wrong with either it's just after the shot they're thanking all the sponsors like the winner of a nascar race do.
If you ever seen the movie Talledaga Nights the story of Ricky bobby that's what I think of when they start doing that


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
I think his reply says it all!
What say you all?


Joe Sikora
1/26, 5:09pm
Joe Sikora
Hey Jake, I just seen the deer hunt for Hollywood. I think you should go to the range and practice before going hunting. Its shots like that, that make hunters look bad. Your to worried about getting it on film instead of making a lethal shot. If it wasn't for a freak accident no one would have ever retrieved that deer.
It's a shame a magnificent animal like that had to be killed by you.
January 26

Jan 26They accepted your request.
Jake Latendresse
1/26, 9:55pm
Jake Latendresse
##### YOU
You're an idiot.
Sent from Messenger
You cannot reply to this conversation.

"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
I did not see that show, but, I have seen some real sad stuff on hunting shows. Just imagine what gets edited out.

This get it on film stuff kinda sucks some times.
NMPaul you can only imagine,
I couldn't believe his response. I very sudden look at FB that's why I didn't see his response until tonite. I wasn't impressed


"Sometimes you do things wrong for so long you
think their right" - 2001
"I can't argue with honesty" - 2005
-Joe E Sikora
>I used to watch a number
>of hunting shows but the
>past 5 years they've only
>annoyed me to no end.
>ALL of them have nothing
>in common with the common
>hunter. They all want to
>be the hero regardless of
>how many times they call
>themselves average!
>I haven't watch one in about
>3 years now and I'm
>better for it.
>There's my 2 cents,

Kyle my friend, you nailed it!
>>I used to watch a number
>>of hunting shows but the
>>past 5 years they've only
>>annoyed me to no end.
>>ALL of them have nothing
>>in common with the common
>>hunter. They all want to
>>be the hero regardless of
>>how many times they call
>>themselves average!
>>I haven't watch one in about
>>3 years now and I'm
>>better for it.
>>There's my 2 cents,
>Kyle my friend, you nailed it!

Yep, he's a pretty astute dude for an old fart! About all I watch any more are some of Shockey's shows along with Fresh Tracks with Randy Newberg. I also really like Randy's podcasts.
>I think his reply says it
>What say you all?
>Joe Sikora
>1/26, 5:09pm
>Joe Sikora
>Hey Jake, I just seen the
>deer hunt for Hollywood. I
>think you should go to
>the range and practice before
>going hunting. Its shots like
>that, that make hunters look
>bad. Your to worried about
>getting it on film instead
>of making a lethal shot.
>If it wasn't for a
>freak accident no one would
>have ever retrieved that deer.
>It's a shame a magnificent animal
>like that had to be
>killed by you.
>January 26
>Jan 26They accepted your request.
>Jake Latendresse
>1/26, 9:55pm
>Jake Latendresse
>##### YOU
>You're an idiot.
>Sent from Messenger
>You cannot reply to this conversation.
>"Sometimes you do things wrong for
>so long you
>think their right" - 2001
>"I can't argue with honesty" -
>-Joe E Sikora

If YOU'RE to be SEEN as somewhat intelligent, you should really learn proper grammar. When you spout your emotional drivel with bad grammar, a F##k you response is usually to follow.
I have no dog in this fight. I did see this show you're talking about, and thought how fortunate the hunter was to get the buck. That's it, no emotions. For hell's sake, he was legal. Everything else is emotional drama.

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