Very Active Member
Has anybody heard of anything good taken off the rattle snake unit yet?? A buddy of mine drew the tag and said that 1 of the three guys that drew the tag shot a pretty small ram. He said that the hunting party shot the ram and it was on the same side of the canyon as my buddy was. My buddy naturally walked over to where he could glass the ram and saw that it was down, and not a mature animal. My buddy continued up the canyon glassing over more rams. 2-3 hours later he was headed back down the canyon, and the hunting party still had not moved from their shooting location and the ram was still laying there dead.
Hope they didn't shoot the wrong one and then decide to leave it.
Hopefully I'll be headed down with him toward the rut more and help him pack a bruiser off the hill.

I hope he reported that experience to the fish and game, in case they left a ram laying on the mountain. We lose enough sheep as it is without losing one because of stupidity! Hopefully they laid claim to it, but the thought of "once in a lifetime" sometimes makes people do crazy things.
My nephew has a tag. Will be going down the 20th to hunt. Leaving Saturday for a Montana sheep hunt first. It sounds like someone may of made a mistake. I know two of the tag holders this year on the Rattlesnake unit. A little research could find out who did the shooting.
I think there are more than three tags. I thought I read 6 tags and maybe high bid and sportsman tag. my brother has a tag and he hasn't been yet. We are going there this week and then the last 10 days.
Was your friend driving a green dodge? What canyon was this ram shot in? I know of a 11yr old 170 ram that was killed.
My buddy did get the shooters license plate and he will be going down this week sometime hunting and to check the status of the dead ram. If it is still laying on the hill, he will report it.
I will keep you guys updated. If my buddy doesn't get one by the weekend of the 20th I will be heading down with him fri, sat, sun. Hope he gets a good one.
He did tell me that there were only 3 tags given, but I don't know if that includes expo tags and such.


I am aware of the ram you are talking about. The ram was taken by Collin Allan Jr the grandson of Collin Allan that served for several years on Utah's Big Game Board. The Allan family has a strong heritage of hunting wild sheep. Both Collin Sr and his son Scott (Collin Jr father) have taken all four north american sheep. Your friend pulled up shortly after the ram was down. He glassed us for a minute and then headed down the road and stopped at our ATV's. He got out of his truck and began to walk around our bike's. I dont know about you but I dont like people I dont know snooping my stuff. Through our glasses we could tell that he was writting down our regisration numbers and not stealing our equipment. He drove off and we went about our buisness. A couple of hours later he drove by again as we were heading off the mountain with the cape, horns and meat loaded in our packs. He drove by never stopping. The ram is over 10 year's old and is pushing a 170 inches. A great ram for a great family.
I hope your friend take's a great ram

X-treme, Good to hear that everything went well for you guys and congrats on the ram. I am kind of retarded when it comes to the scoring of rams, is 170 a good ram? The way that my buddy was describing it made it sound like it was one that he would have passed on. I don't know how much experience he has with rams and field judging. With that being said, congrats to the hunter, and i'm glad to hear that everything was legit and legal.

Thanks for the clarification man. I'll pass along the info to my friend maybe we'll have some ram pic's for ya in the next few weeks.
X-treme, it would be great to see some pic's of your friends ram if you have any.

Thanks again.

Your friend must not have much experience with sheep if he is calling a 170 Utah ram small and immature. I am glad that Troy completed the story, and it has a happy ending.
If your friend is holding out for something bigger than 170ish, he may be eating tag soup. I believe there have only been a handful of 180+ Rockys killed in Utah. Ever.
Sliver- Tell your buddy to get some good glass and count rings. Over 7 and he better be shooting. A 170, 10 year old is probably the top couple rams on the whole unit and now one of them is dead. There are also 7-9 tag holders for the Rattlesnake. Hope he finds one comparable to the trophy quality of that moose you showed me last year.

Sliver, 170 in Utah is about as good as you can get on most units......so tell him he'd better rethink passing on one!

Troy, good to see you still hang out in the haunts occasionally....if you'd start feeding on of those rams for me over the next 20 years, I'd be much obliged. :)

Thanks for the info guys, like I said, I am a novice when it comes to sheep of any kind. I will let my friend know that is about what he should be shooting for. His idea of a mature ram is the "full curl", it is a great possibility that he just didn't get a good look at the ram and said that it was small?
I will get some additional info for ya.

Packout, I hope so too.


Greg Bird sent these photos and asked that I post them in this thread. Here are the details and photos:

This is Collin Allans 170 11yr old ram 15 X 33.



Brian Latturner
That looks like an awesome ram to me. My friend must not have gotten a good look at it or something. I secretly hope that he doesn't kill one before the weekend of the 22nd so that I can go out with him.

Congrats to the hunter and his party.

Well the stars have alligned and I will be able to go down with my buddy tomorrow to hopefully put his tag on a boomer. I will bring you some results pic's when I get back next week.


Thanks man, I'm going through pic's right now so that I make sure I have this ring thing down.

Good luck. There are only 1 or 2 tags left that has'nt been filled. My nephew filled his tag last week. Some nice sheep and a great hunt. Let's see a picture when your done.
Well the hunt was a great success. My buddy Dave put the hammer down on a good ram. We combed over many good rams, many that were right off the road, which was really surprising to me. We spotted a big ram about a mile and a half off the road up in the cliffs and decided to put the stalk on him. Well once we got to the canyon that we saw the ram in, he had disappeared. We spotted all 9 of his ewes but no ram. We glassed the canyon for about 2 hours before we finally found him. He was bedded down in some gray dirt that was perfect camo for him. We made a plan and started to pack up our stuff and put the stalk on him. Right before we started to hike off the hill we heard a gunshot, a really close one. We looked all around and could see no hunter, however we did see 2 ewes and 3 large rams come around the hill towards us. As we glassed them up the two smaller ones reared up and slammed heads. There was the gunshot again. I could not believe how loud the sound of them banging heads together was. We sized up the rams and saw that the one hanging back was the biggest. He was bigger than any that we had seen in the day. Dave decided to take him. 1 shot and the ram was hit. He stumbled and unfortunately fell off a 40 foot cliff. The sound of him hitting the ground was very loud also. It was so loud that I was just sure that his horns would be all broken up. Thank goodness that they were fine. He must have landed body first. We were about a mile and a half back in so we loaded most of the ram in and on the Horn Hunter Mainbeam XL and packed it out. The hunt was awesome. I have no idea what the ram will score, we figured him at 7 years old. Dave is very happy and his ram is beautiful.




Thanks for all who helped me understand Bighorn hunting. It was a great time. Good shootin' dave.

Man I wish I could have been there with ya'll. Sounds like a hunt of a lifetime. Thanks for the pics and story. Tell Dave congrats.
Congrats to you and your buddy. I've got 8 Rocky Mtn. Bighorn sheep points and have been putting in for the Rattlesnake unit. I got a couple questions for you - check your PM's when you get a second.


Silver tell your buddy congrats! What did the DWR biologist score your ram? It does look like 7 1/2. Very nice ram. I may have seen this guy. I like his dark cape and horns. Congrats again.
I will have to ask Dave if they scored it. Are you required to take the head to the F&G office?? I hope he did if so.

Silver, Yes you need to check your sheep in at a DWR office to get measured and the horns plugged. It does'nt matter what the score is. Just wondering. It's a great trophy.
Thanks man, I'll let him know and make sure that if he hasn't already done it, he does it now.

Andyman I will be with the 2009 sportsmans tag holder next year I am starting to gather info if your friend would be willing to help send me a pm. Congratulations to your friend thats a great ram!

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