Ransom's Day

LAST EDITED ON Nov-06-07 AT 04:34PM (MST)[p]I can just see him in his orange jumpsuit going over the side.

RCC--that the definition of funny, MAN VS BEAST....99 percent of the time we win, its funny when the beast gets us back.
What? Jerks run in packs? I know Ransom, that wasn't Ransom in the video. Ransom right now as we read and type is doing honeydo's for his wife so he can go fishing tomorrow. He can't post right now himself as he is waiting for a big marlin photo for his 1,000th post.
LAST EDITED ON Nov-06-07 AT 04:47PM (MST)[p]I believe ransom sent gila the video himself, if i understand the email correctly. I could be wrong? until ransom disputes it i'm saying its him!!!rotflmao

I sure hope he gets his honey-dos done and enjoys his days of fishing/swimming!! honest i do!
Actually here is a current photo of Ransom. As you can see he does not resemble the runt in the video.

and this is the guy in the video, looks like the same guy to me?
again i could be wrong.

>Ransom, I know it's too late
>now, but next time loosen
>that drag just a touch!

gota luv it when he not here to defend himself

I expected more out of you. By the way I'm speeking for Ransom until he can post a big marlin for #1,000.
By the way Ransom the original was born at Rocky Comfort Creek, Georgia if you catch my drift.

Unknown Poster
>>Ransom, I know it's too late
>>now, but next time loosen
>>that drag just a touch!
>gota luv it when he not
>here to defend himself


Turnabout is a #####.

Unknown Poster
>I had you pegged from post
>#2.....get your chores done?

wow tag i just sent you a pm saying just that
I got it monster i sent a reply as well. He's a pretty clever fella, i'll give him that. but now his cover is blown.
>I had you pegged from post
>#2.....get your chores done?

You to must be trying out for tag team wresteling or something.
Yes chores are done and will be out tomorrow all day. If big fish brought to boat expect to see pictures.
I'm worn out from all my chores. Dang bugs get into everything here, sea air rusts everything and metal gates/ fences last about 2 years. Right now as I type she wants the mud wasps washed off the house.

Unknown Poster
Not trying to tag team you,man. Just bored as hell here at work.

As for washing the wasps...i'll do it for a back seat in the fishing boat!

Oh wait, i cant, as i am going to idaho for a little elk hunting with the bro.
>>I had you pegged from post
>>#2.....get your chores done?
>You to must be trying out
>for tag team wresteling or
>Yes chores are done and will
>be out tomorrow all day.
>If big fish brought to
>boat expect to see pictures.
>I'm worn out from all my
>chores. Dang bugs get into
>everything here, sea air rusts
>everything and metal gates/ fences
>last about 2 years. Right
>now as I type she
>wants the mud wasps washed
>off the house.
>Unknown Poster

Hand her the hose and show her how to operate the nozzle!!!

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