Ransoms' 2005 deer hunt


Long Time Member
Since Ransom is headed to the hills for a few days he asked if I would post a photo of his 2005 deer hunt. I'll let him fill in the detals when he returns. Nice outfit Ransom!

Eel... Now that's what I call a friend.. You take the time to post his photo and your right.. That is a very smart outfit..

Is that a B&C candidate deer? Looks to have a pretty wide set of ears.. I'm anxious to see photos of it now that it's been mounted and hanging in his trophy room..

>Is that Tigger?
>"If it moves shoot it again"

No, but it might be Tigers' head cover! LOL!

I just received an email from Ranson. He is not going to his cabin after all. He said he was going to pick up a couple gallons of kerosene and his varmint rifle and head for your area for some reason he would not tell me about.
Would you know what his intentions are, I hope he does not do anything that might get him in trouble. You know how those hillbillies are when you give them kerosene and firearms.

A BIG fire right now up around where Ransom's cabin is located and he needs to leave and get focused on some revenge.

Not worried! I've got a few blacktail does that hang around the house. He'll see those and ask permission to put up a tree stand.:)

You may just be right about that, that boy sure does love his vension with fried taters and pan gravey. While he is in the tree stand, you can pour the kerosene out and replace it with water. That way your house would be safe and not burn down around your ears.
We are all in for a ear full when he gets back. He might just forget about dude, piper, zigga and yell at us for a while. No! I doubt that, he loves picking on those three.


P.S. Since he took his varmint rifle, he may ask for a loaner rifle from you to use in the tree stand. I hope you are nice enought not to give him any of your reloads that you loaded up for the "gringos".
Well another thing I'm counting on. If his cabin is in California, he's probably had about all the smoke he can stand and won't be in the mood to light anymore fires. A guy can hope anyway.:)

He can borrow my rifle......for half the meat!


How about you come on down and go hunting with me? I'm sure you've heard about my reputation as being a lousy shot but don't let that stop you.
Ok if Megawatt and cuz made you do it's okay. By the way I saw 4 shooter bucks sunday and got perrmission to cross that land to a land locked piece of national forest. Too bad it's all burned down by now. It was exciting up there with a small army of fire fighter working hard, helicopters and bombers overhead all the time or so it seemed. I even had my garden hose ready just in case.

I used to be a part of that small army of fire fighters. I worked two summers for CDF while going to college.

I thought my job was to put the fire out, so one evening I hiked up the hill to throw dirt on this big stump that was on fire and throwing sparks up in the air. I was shoveling dirt like I was killing snakes and this Borate bomber came over the hill and dumped his entire load on me! Talk about a slimey mess! From then on I was fire proof!:) but I did get in trouble for being up there.

Now we know the final truth. That was you Eel in that picture, what we thought was a orange suit was just you covered in that orange fire retardant. Oh yea! you are dead meat trying to blame Kilo and I for your misdeeds. I bet Kilo gets to you first. It seems Ransom and I will be stopping at that tree stand to watch for deer and we get a side show of Kilo peppering your house with his monster gun. Cuz, you bring the popcorn, this should be fun!


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