Ransom & Friend



Here is Ransom and a neighbor kid. Little gal caught this cat with her Barbie pole.


LAST EDITED ON Aug-22-08 AT 07:19PM (MST)[p]Don't think so JB. Only cats we got that ugly live in Altamont. Gotta be Northern Kali. That is definately Overton! Must be Kali or Tennessee. Perhaps Kona!

The best fish catching pole I have is a Barbie pole! I caught a 5 lb bucketmouth on it and a 6 lb yellow cat! It works great! You can't cast that far but here in Texas the creeks are only a few yards wide. Truly though I have a system - the Barbie pole is for fishing the weed beds and the Tazmanian devil is for flipping under low hung branches and the Spiderman pole is for fishing on the bottom! I haven't even got the chance to rig my own pole (unless I am alone) in about 2 years! Keeping those other three in the water is a lot of work! But that Barbie pole is the best of the bunch!

No lie!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
After the truth from Roy, Rus is going to have a hard time making anyone believe that photo is not of one of his Utard's cousins.

had to look prob 3 times before i seen his other leg thought he was the worlds greatest athlete standing with just one leg ha ha ha


has anyone seen my kittie

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