I was able to take a great ram on Saturday, the third day of the season. In 2 1/2 days of scouting leading up to the season and 3 days of hunting, we found 112 sheep and 42 rams with 9 of those rams being in the 160+ range. I wasn't planning on punching my tag that early, but I just couldn't pass this ram. He is 35 1/4 by 33 1/2 with 15 1/4 bases. He carries his mass really well as his first and second quarters are 14 1/2 and 14 respectively. My taxi scored him at 174 3/4 and I scored him at just over 176. With the way he carries his mass, I though his bases might push the 16" mark which would have made him a 180" ram. Regardless, he is a great ram and it was a great hunt spend with my family helping out with the glassing. We covered a lot of country and it is an amazing unit.
If I decide not to do an article, I will certainly post pictures in the next few days. If you would like to see pictures, send me a pm.
Thanks everyone for the help and information.