Randy Weaver/Ruby Ridge


Very Active Member
What ever became of Weaver ? I remember it was a deadly joke up on Ruby Ridge on the part of the fed. govt. All that killin over a sawed off shotgun and a missed court date. Didn't Weaver and what remained of his family get millions of dollars in compensation when the dust finaly settled?
it seems to me he moved out of state, but got into some kind of trouble elsewhere. but could be 100 % wrong on that , just shootin' from the hip on that
Maybe Weaver thought Whore-aldo was in the Helicopter?

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
What Voltage of Cordless Sawzall are you running & what's your quickest Drive-By at hackin the Horns off of RoadKills?

This Favorite Shhit is getting old already!
This was food for thought for Timothy McVeigh!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
What Voltage of Cordless Sawzall are you running & what's your quickest Drive-By at hackin the Horns off of RoadKills?

This Favorite Shhit is getting old already!
Attorney Jerry Spence got Randy off on most or all charges and filed a lawsuit that got Randy several million. Have not heard anything since.

Jerry Spence was the same lawyer that got the Rocksprings, Wyoming sheriff off on a homicide charge when he had to shoot his undercover narcotics officer who went bad.

Wasn't ever sure the outcome of this ordeal but I know an unarmed woman holding a child was shot in the back by Janet reno and her hired assassins carrying guns that law abiding citizens can't supposedly legally carry. Go figure
I believe he lives down the road here out in Marion MT. Maybe. I know his daughter does. Saw her in a local restaurant a while back.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-23-11 AT 11:26PM (MST)[p]His daughter did an interview with William Shatner not long ago. They had some interview clips of Randy that looked recent...Looked to me that he was living off the beaten path in a modest cabin. Looked to be pushing 70 or so.
Just curious what you guys think????? You think big brother uncle sam has patriot act bullcrap that checks on people who even type the name randy weaver or stuff like that ? Ya I do
My old man partnered up with the sniper from the HRT team that shot Weaver's wife while they were down in Waco. It is pretty interesting to hear his story rather than what came out in all the other news outlets and TV shows.
Didn't that sniper get himself in trouble for "jummpin the gun " when he shot and killed Weavers wife as she held her baby daughter? Would love to hear the other side of that story.
I believe Lon Horiuchi did a little shooting down in waco too....

LAST EDITED ON Jan-24-11 AT 12:29PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Jan-24-11 AT 12:28?PM (MST)

No he didnt do any shooting in Waco. And no, there was no disciplinary action to my knowledge.

Ill give you the super quick version of what I was told. During the siege, Harris was seen running towards the cabin. As he approached the door, Horiuchi fired and missed. At that same moment, Weaver's wife was opening the door to help Harris enter. Horiuchi obviously missed and struck Mrs. Weaver. She was not in sight when the shot was fired. That's just the story my old man told me when he came back from Waco.
LAST EDITED ON Jan-24-11 AT 01:07PM (MST)[p]That was what I heard also. He was firing at Harris when she opened the door and the bullet went though the door and hit her. His was leading Harris for a running shot.

There was very strong rumors that one of the supervisiors in charge had given a order to shoot anyone seen carring a gun. That is fine in a military combat senaro, but is not a order that should be given to law enforcement. You shoot if the person carring the gun does something to put your life in danger.

The state of Idaho was at one time thinking about pressing charges agains Lon Horiuchi for manslaughter, but they were dropped as the word got out he would plead "just following orders" and they would have to arrest the superior on the scene who gave that order. I think Janet Reno put pressure on Idaho to not press any charges.

I will not justify what Randy Weaver did, he was in the wrong, but so was the ATF and FBI on how this whole thing was handled. If you have bad leaders, you will have poor performance in the field by the officers.

During this time frame, both the ATF and FBI had several incidents, that I am aware of, that outright violated citizens rights on a major scale. This was due to a very anti gun leadership with the current adminstration that filtered down to the field supervisors. One supervisor was present at both Waco and Ruby Ridge and was involved in a big case that involved the illegal search and seizure of a firearms dealer that led to a coverup by the ATF to protect themselfs from exposure and a major lawsuit.

One of the reasons why I had very little respect for both the FBI and ATF during that time frame. Heck! I still do not trust them.
+1 I think this whole thing could have been avoided if the local sheriff would have demanded that the fed s step down and let him handle this. He probably could have escorted him away and innocent people wouldn't have been murdered. Besides. Where did the atf and FBI ever get constitutional power over a sheriff ???? Show me that amendment
....you shoulda made a call to Dan Burton with that insider info grizzmoose.....

LAST EDITED ON Jan-24-11 AT 05:01PM (MST)[p]>No he didnt do any shooting
>in Waco. And no,
>there was no disciplinary action
>to my knowledge.
>Ill give you the super quick
>version of what I was
>told. During the siege,
>Harris was seen running towards
>the cabin. As he
>approached the door, Horiuchi fired
>and missed. At that
>same moment, Weaver's wife was
>opening the door to help
>Harris enter. Horiuchi obviously
>missed and struck Mrs. Weaver.
> She was not in
>sight when the shot was
>fired. That's just the
>story my old man told
>me when he came back
>from Waco.

I try not to be a conspiracy theorist..But that sounds awful damn convenient...Because what you described would be damn near impossible, bullets are pretty fast, even from a 308..

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