RAMBO!!! Best Movie In A Decade!

  • Thread starter timberline_shedfreak24
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I just went and saw the new Rambo with Stallone and boy let me tell ya what a bad @$$ movie! Lots of gruesome scenes with some awesome camera work, good acting and an awesome plot! Just an all around awesome movie! Worth every penny! Cant wait for this one to come out on DVD. The scene with Rambo and the bow, dont wanna ruin it but....AWESOME! A must see!

Good acting, AND stallone.....doubtful... Just my opinion

Just another hollywood anti gunner making a pretty good living shooting people on the big screen.
Tageater, +1
"The scene with Rambo and the bow, dont wanna ruin it but....AWESOME! A must see!"

Lemme guess, there is an explosion involved, and some guys die?
Guys definately die but no explosion. Its still bad @$$!

When I first heard about this new RAMBO I thought this couldn't get any worse. I now see several people from different forums really enjoyed it. Now I have to get off my butt and see it.

Small list!!!
Kevin Costner...Broken Trail??
Mark Harmon...westerns??
Martin Sheen..navy seals???

Did they become anti gunners after they made their millions useing guns in their movies??? Hypocrites!!
I read some of the things. These people lent their names to gun control , but it doesn't mean they are the trying to get guns made illegal to own by legal citizens. Many of them are, probably most of them but many of these people are just wanting a better gun control. I'm not saying it will or won't happen, but as mentioned, many of these people have made millions of $$$ in the movie industry with story lines and guns. What makes me laugh about the people who want guns taken away all together, these are the very same people who and when they are robbed, held up or threatened, they want the police and justice , they want protection and they want it now! And I have to agree with kingfish, more of these actors are just hypocrites!
LAST EDITED ON Jan-27-08 AT 11:06AM (MST)[p]I hate most all action movies.
Lots of the same old loud explosions, thugs holding their handguns sideways to look cool.
Jeebsus Chrisst, they ratchet up the volume so it is more realistic?, people getting shot, same old worn out car chases, some arrogant liberal hollywood hunk stars as a guy you are supposed to like.
Surrounded by people crunching popcorn, talking on cell phones,unwrapping loud potato chips, out of control kids kicking the back of your seat or putting their feet up next to your head.
Big fat stinking guy sits down on one side of you and some aids infected coughing lunger sits down on the other.
Screw That!

Only went to see two movies last year in 2007 and both times went on Tuesday, a Senior Citizens day cheapier price ticket.

Never had over 25 people there and NO KIDS.

The following celebrities and national figures have lent their name and notoriety to anti-gun causes, speaking out for anti-gun legislation and providing a voice for anti-gun organizations.

Pretty much sums it up for me. You sure as hell dont see em standing up to defend our rights like Tom Seleck or our last pres Chuck Heston?
Many of the guys on the gun control list probably don't give a crap one way or the other, but they have to do it in order to stay on the "A" list. Which actually is worse in my book. If you strongly believe in something then stand up for it, if not then shut it!

PS. Home theaters for the win!
Have to disagree on this one, saw it last night and thought it was terrible. Guess I just got sick of seeing all the blood and guts. And there is absolutely no plot. Sly needs to hang it up.
I asked my wife if she wanted to go check it out. I got "the look", meaning I can wait till it's out on dvd...

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