Raiders: Commitment to Futility?


Long Time Member
I just got finished watching My Broncos beat the Raiders. But it didn't feel as good as it should of. Why? Because the Raiders seem to be pathetic in every phase of their game. And they have been for a long time. What's up with that? Has Al Davis lost his marbles completely?

And why do their fans dress the way they do, is it cool to be associated with being pathetic?

I hope the Bronc's whip up on Romo next week but I'll be the first to admit they aren't a great team, just 3-0.

there's nothing more pathetic than a bronco's fan trying to gloat! go cowboys!
You know they will beat up on Romo!
Go Denver, 4-0 on it's way!

slam bronco fan? and every teams going to beat up on romo, he smiles to dang much!
I have been and still am a raiders fan. Nothing will change for the raiders until Al Davis is out of the picture!.....Jim
Seems to me that the Raiders are the most pathetic team in the NFL. At least the Lions try week in and week out. J. Russel {sp.} is not good in any aspect of being a QB. I think your Broncos have a pretty good chance of beating the boys next week.

LAST EDITED ON Sep-28-09 AT 06:37AM (MST)[p]BeanMan - I hear ya bro! I too share in the pessimism though I am pleased at what I have seen so far. I am thinking we will finish under .500 but would love to be surprised.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
Rackmaster your hexs don't work all the time,u better do some more practicing.LOL

I think they will get better with each game, but, they have a tough next five games. If they can win two out of those five I'll be happy.

Those Raiders fans must have tough skin to ride home on BART dressed like that after losing.

The Raiders are my #1 hated team in all sports. They "think" they are bad yet they get killed every week. I watched Gang Wars in Oakland the other night. Makes me hate them even more. I just wish Al would go away and so would the Raiders. They suck! I agree, the fans are mentally retarded also.
Hey hornhunter, you a little quiet this morning? HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA. Gotta admit, a little scary at the end though. Bronco's are doing better than I thought. Real test comes next week against the patriots. Good to see everyone else in the AFC west losing.
It's definitely been hard being a Raiders fan ever since Gannon got hurt. It's been all downhill from there. JaMarcus makes Ryan Leaf look like a draft steal. The offense is unbearable to watch. Good thing it's hunting season.

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