Rage damage on a gila bull



LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-06 AT 09:26PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-06 AT 09:23?PM (MST)

When I first saw these heads I thought they were a good design and probably the only mechanical heads that I would ever shoot again. I have had sucess with steelforce heads as well as spit fire mechanicals, but they dont compare to these Rage heads. The bull was shot at 37 yards, he was quartering away. The arrow entered through the last ribs and exited behind the oposite shoulder, and then burried 4 inches into a stump. The bull never had a chance, he was dead within 30 seconds, and only went about 10 steps. I know that any well placed arrow could produce these results, but I have witnessed many archery kills and have never seen a bull die this fast. I am now a believer.
Congratulations on your elk. Glad to see you had a positive result with the Rage heads. They are the big brother to the Snyper heads which are also a great mechanical. This is the only type of mechanical I'll shoot also. They devistate!!! Let's see some pics of your elk.

Not my bull, a great friend and hunting buddy of mine had a 16D tag and shot this bull after 4 days of hard hunting. To bad he was broken.
Not familiar with the head you used, I have seen bulls shot with mechanicals that have died within this time frame (30 sec. or less, dead as a door nail), unfortunately I have seen bulls shot with mechanicals (well placed shots) that were disasters BECAUSE OF HOW THE BROADHEAD OPENED PREMATURELY. I will not use them.
On a lighter note, congrats to your buddy on a nice bull and an effecient kill.

life IS good
Life Is good, these heads are not like other macanical heads I would say these are a cut on contact macanical, they fly great and are very leathal.

I shot a buck this year at 60 yards with a 2 blade rage head, he was quarting away there was a 4" gash at the point of impact, it then went through and hit the off side shoulded. he died insite no need to follow a blood trail. there is a pic of the buck on the muledeer fourm(my 06 utah archery buck). My camera wasnt working and i didnt get any feild photos, but my buddy has a pic of the wound on his camera and when I get a chance I will get them from him and post them.

I also have a hunt in january, I went to my bow shop to get some more and they were back ordered for 2 months.

MM Member since 1999. Jake H
Sounds like they are on to something. Does somone have a picture of one? Im trying to imagine what they look like.

life IS good
My question is they come with a practice head, but can you remove that head from the target after you shoot it. I use the black hole layered. I know some of the mechanicals that are shot into these type of targets are impossibble to remove without tearing up the broadhead. I use steel force 100 2 blade now. But I like they way mechanicals fly especially in the wind. Just let me know your experience with practice. I cant shoot an animal with a broadhead I havent practiced with. I know some guys that practice with field tips then screw on their mechanicals and go hunting.
We shot with the practice head and the real head for most of the summer. The "blades" on the practice head don't open so they don't do much damage. We all shoot the block targets, they seem to hold up the best to broadhead practice. They flew great, the same as our field points out to 80 yards, after 80 the gap between the field point and the broadhead started growing.

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