Rage broadhead

I killed my buck with the 2 blade this year, and was really impressed. It was a total pass through that left a nasty hole. The buck only went 20 yards and piled up dead. I also shot a coyote with them too. They fly just like field tips even at long distances, and leave a devastating hole!
I killed my buck this year with a two-blade. It was a slightly uphill shot and took out the top of his lungs and the bottom of his spine, he dropped like a rock. Incredible how big the hole was. I am sold on these and will continue to use them. The only downside I see is they dont seem very durable which I could see being an issue back east where you can shoot 10 deer a year but not out west where your season is limited.
Thanks for the info, did the blades both open on the buck you shot? I am going to illinois this december, and hunting from a tree stand. I like the look of the broadhead, but am gun shy about mechanicals at steep angles.
both of the blades deployed on mine, the way it is set up it would be hard for both not to open. I have never shot an elk but if I were elk hunting I would probably use these.
I personally seen one elk shot this year with them and had another buddy shoot an elk with them. I was always anti mechanicals, but after seeing the damage these braodheads did on the elk I am sold!
Randy Uhlmer uses Rage, if that means anything. I know he puts his gear through the gamet before heading afield.
I shot a small six point bull this year with a rage two blade and was very impressed. The bull was quatering towards me more than I thought or I never would have shot. Hit him right behind the shoulder, and when I found the bull a hundred yards later the my whole arrow was in him. Cut about a 4 inch gash from the angle, and when I popped the back quater off my broadhead was underneath with a 8 inch gash cut from where he was running. No exit hole with the angle but he left a good blood trail. I am Sold
Sounds like everyone is already convinced on the Rage, but I will also add that I shot my buck this year with the 2 blade and I hit him a little high and back and he still only went 120-150 yards. I am impressed with the flight and cutting diameter of the 2-blade. My buck I shot with the Rage is posted under the mule deer forum under Preston's 197 archery buck.
I prefer the Rage two blade over the three blade. It leaves an awesome wound channel both on the entrance and exit.
i was interested in trying these put i had a few questions since i have always used fixed blade muzzy broad heads.

are they easy to take in and out of a quiver

how do you practice with them, do they hold up losts of practice shots.

i would love some input
I have never had a problem taking them out of my quiver. If you are walking around with an arrow nocked you have to be careful not to hit it on the bushes because you can pull the blade out of the rubber band. You do have to be a little more aware before you draw to make sure you haven't accidentally opened the blades, but I am telling you they are worth the extra effort. The blood trail was huge and no fixed blade could have made that size of a hole. The package comes with a practice broadhead so you don't have to risk ruining your hunting broadheads. The one I shot my buck with this year did not get damaged so I can reuse it if I want to.
I think I will give them a shot (no pun intended) next year. Have had good and ok luck with wac-ems but I would like a wider wound channel, lost one ant. buck this year as he jumped the string and I hit him in the ham. I think that had the blades been wider I would have hit the femoral. I thought he would go down but watched him all day until evening took my eyes off him to sit deer stand, went back 45 min. before dark and he was long gone. Searched the next day for him no luck. It turned out OK as I shot a much bigger buck, but don't ever like to wound animals without finding them. Nice buck Preston.
Any mechanical can be a problem when putting in the quiver or walking around with one knocked or just in your hand. Remember that they are designed to open on impact/contact. You do need to be more aware when using them. That being said, I believe they have more positives that negatives. Some quivers are designed better for mechanicals that others. You can't just shove them into the all foam type, they will open up. Try cutting down the foam and modifying your quiver if you have to to avoid accidental opening. As previously said, they come with a practice point. One thing to remember though...if they fly just like your field tips, which they do, why do you need to practice with them?
I shot my first archery elk with a mechanical , it was 100gr vortex , I know a a huge difference from the Rage.But since then I've experianced other successful hunts with fixed blade broadheads.There are just too many great fixed blade broadheads that fly so well and just way too many factors about mechanicals. This is just my feeling about the two , but I just can't find enough reason to try another mechanical .I went over and looked at the rage that hit the coyote and have to add ,that I would have a deep dought about using it on a bigger boned game animal like a deer or elk....Rocket Ultimate Steel 100s' , they fly just like field points and the bacon skinners cut like something something nasty crazy!!!!!NMHUNTNUTT
I have to respond, in the past I have raved about the rage 2 blade, I killed a buck last year, and was very impressed.

That being said I hunted with them this year and was not impressed at all. I shot a buck and hit him a little forward in the shoulder, I watched the buck go 1/2 mile before he got out of site, the buck barely limped, bled very little and I didnt find the buck, I dont think he was mortaly wounded.

The next day I found and shot another buck, I watched my arrow fly through the air and strike perfetly right behind the shoulded and as soon as it hit it fliped strait up in the air and then fell back down and out of the buck, he ran off out of site I found that my arrow only penetrated 4-6 inchs, this worred me, I then got up on a hill and watched the buck bed 3 times within a hour after I shot him, the last time I couldnt see exactly were he went. I called a freind and he come up to help track, after waiting 4 hours he snuck down in while I went around to come up from below, he scared the rest of the deer out of there but the buck I hit never ran out. So I guied him to where the buck had bedded down and he found quite a bit of blood and stated following, the buck had bedded in some thick brush and let my freind get to within 10 yards befor blowing out of there. I watched him run 600 yards looking very sick and out of site. We followed a ok blood trail for about a mile from where we last saw him (about 1 1/2 mile from where I shot him) befor he quit bleeding all together were we then followed his track for about another 1/2 mile before we couldnt be sure we was still on his track. I thought that he would die from his wound, so I quit hunting for the year. I am happy to say that just the other day I saw him alive and well rutting some does and acting just fine.

I then went to Arizona on a archery elk hunt, I had a rough hunt due to the bulls not bugleing much but finally got a shot at a small 6 point at 35 yards strait on, I took the shot and hit him right were I was aiming, The bull whirled and ran away, we left him for about an hour and came back and started tracking and immediatly found alot of blood and half of my arrow, we found lung blood and really dark thick blood, the bull had about 13"s of arrow and broadhead in him, we followed for about 2 miles befor decideing to give him some more time while we went and recovered a bull that another guy shot the night befor, took us about 2 hours and then we was back on his trail, we followed for another 3 miles before loseing the blood, and not being able to follow tracks we were not able to find the bull, he went 5 miles and never bedded down, (I know it was 5 miles because I was tracking my self with my GPS while on the blood trail.) We went back the next day and serched the area but couldnt find anything. I felt I should have had better penitration on all of those shots, I shoot a 70# bow and heavey FMJ arrows.

I will not be useing the rage heads next year, and I think I will go to a fixed blad head.

After looking at all the sucsess everyone else had I am thinking maybe I just had a REALLY REALLY bad year. Hopefully this helps, I also know of another bull that was shot with a rage and we didnt find that one ether, very little blood.

Jake H. MM Member since 1999.
I'm calling bull **** on the rocket ultimate steels. Shot them last year, and never seen a broadhead fly so bad, and yes my bow is very well tuned. Also didn't like the TINY cutting diameter. Like I've said before, can't go wrong with the 2 blade Rage!
Shot a whitetail buck this year with the rage 3 blade. By far the best expandable i have shot. The entrance wound was unbelivable. The only complaint is the blades are tough to keep together in a quiver.

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