Rack Bracket - WINNER!


Long Time Member
Once the brackets got down to the final 4 the likely winner was becoming very 'transparent'. Voting wasn't even close between the final two. thanks everyone for playing.

Thanks guys

Although the pay is not good, I'll likely do another bracket next March. I need to hire a new agent before then.
Well, at least a semblance of justice has been served here. Marissa was the best from her side of the bracket. There must be some kind of international conspiracy against Scarlett Johannson - probably because of her political views - so while I am not 100% satisfied with this contest nor its inherent integrity, at least a deserving champion has been declared. This is almost as bad as the BCS.

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Mar-29-10 AT 02:21PM (MST)[p]Yes sir well done F-er!! To be honest I really did not know who she was until the elite 8 when I studied the ladies one day on google. I have seen the picture of her kneeling in the sand with the Bikini on(which is very nice) but I did not put two and two together. Well deserved win! She is a looker for sure. Her parents must be proud of winning the first ever MM Rack Bracket sponsored by Feleno INC.!
Who chooses the winner, they need to get their eyes checked.

IM a girl and there are several better choices here than her.!!!

I'm just sayin!!!

Marissa needs to get a face job now instead of a boob job.LOL
If I post the complete pic of Marissa I'm breaking the 50% rule here by about 45% :)

There will be NO man-crush bracket. Lesbians maybe but thats as far as I'll go.

40-50 MMers picked the bracket winners. I don't know about several that were better picks but there are 3-4 I would have chosen over Marissa. I may take suggestions for the 2011 bracket
Hey I'm just glad the mm majority didn't go with Roy's choice, I'd be doing some real soul searching and questioning my faith in humanity. Kidding Roy.


You decide
Go ahead and break the 50% rule we'll stand behind you. As far as Fireball goes she gets one vote like the rest of us so do you really give a s..t if she didn't like the winner?
Jazz don't get you panties in a twist, I did'nt vote just giving MY opinion.

I guess we know who you voted for!!! LOL

or do you get that worked up over everything.:)
Well, Fireball, Sports Illustrated thinks Marissa Miller is good enough to grace more than a few pages of their best selling issue each year, so she can't be as bad as you think. Of course, as a woman, you're not hte audience that SI or Feleno was targeting, but then, what do men know? Right?
>Jazz don't get you panties in
>a twist, I did'nt vote
>just giving MY opinion.
>I guess we know who you
>voted for!!! LOL
>or do you get that worked
>up over everything.:)

No twist here at all sweetie. I voted for Marissa a few times but she wasn't my first pick. I would take a few before her as well and my personal favorite was Salma. Now that's some panties I would like to see in a bunch, twist or over my head! How about you post your picture and let's see if you would qualify?

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