Rack Bracket - Elite 8


Long Time Member
Looks like the blondes are running away with this but some very close battles though. Katy Perry and Halle Berry both edged out by one vote. Jennifer Anniston and Brooklyn Decker both won by very wide margins.

Get your votes in.


Outside of a horse is good for the inside of a man.
Personally I think REDDOG picked em perfect but since you knocked a few of them out of contention I guess I'll go with...


I think Marisa will win it all again...she's purty much a babe and a half!! Remember the pic of her I sent you last year Feleno?? :)


I really do not like Jessica Simpson all that much...but she is up against that HAG Carrie Underwood!!!! Serious...how can ANY guy that loves hunting even support ANYTHING about her!! She sends money to PETA for every record she sells...she is the leading charge for a group that wants to OUTLAW Rodeo...and she has said that it is her goal to OUTLAW ALL SPORT HUNTING!!!
Calm down Fish, this tournament is just for fun and is based on looks alone, not politics, beliefs or other factors. Its not like any of them would take you home :)

End of the first quarter and the reigning champion Marissa is way behind.
I might have to bust out that pic of Marisa if she doesn't start gettin more votes!! It's a good'n!!


Anniston (bad pairing as Marissa Miller and Jennifer Anniston should have been for the championship, IMO)
That isn't a fair comparison. You know on different days even the hottest girl can look bad and much depends on the photograph. Here is one you probably haven't seen of Marissa. For whatever reason she looks unusually heavy in this picture although in real life I know she isn't.

F-dude, don't try and sway the crowds, just because you're a closet Anniston lover. ~Z~ has it right.
Truth be told Britney Spears turns my crank more than anyone else in the tournament. Not exactly sure why. After that I'd take Anniston, you are right.

After tabulating the results here, on PM's, Emails, Twitter, Facebook, MySpace, LinkedIn and phone surveys Anniston is still slightly ahead.
Now that I know his weakness I don't think we'll have a problem moving Marisa into the next round ;-)

http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~
>I really do not like Jessica
>Simpson all that much...but she
>is up against that HAG
>Carrie Underwood!!!! Serious...how can ANY
>guy that loves hunting even
>support ANYTHING about her!! She
>sends money to PETA for
>every record she sells...she is
>the leading charge for a
>group that wants to OUTLAW
>Rodeo...and she has said that
>it is her goal to

My votes too and same on carrie whatshername.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
1 Brooklyn
2 Jessica for the win
3 Jessica
4 Marisa my vote was swayed by ~Z~
I ain't been playing the game, don't even know who a lot of these gals are, but...As far as pure Babe factor, i think Carrie Underwood is the berries! :)

All that HS of America stuff is a crying shame!

I'll tabulate the votes tomorrow morning... so far 38 complete brackets filled out.

Looks like Decker and Alba winning by a large margin.

Then we have two ties!
19 votes apiece for Jessica S. v. Carrie U.
19 votes apiece for Marissa v. Anniston

I haven't vote yet but I might have to close the voting now and put Anniston thru over Marissa Miller :)

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