raccoon hunting?


Long Time Member
Are there any coon hunters on here in Utah that would allow my me and my daughter to come on a hunt with them.

I got a HD video camera and a nice computer to now do some editing of my hunts and I put together a 2011 season for my oldest daughter lindsay which includes.

turkey? if she draws
and top it off with an out of state pig hunt or goat hunt.

I would like to just keep checking off animals on the list and see where she ends up. I want to try and let her do most of it with a bow but the coyote, duck, goose, and pheasant will be with a shotgun. I then want to put together and edit the whole season and see what I can come up with.

what do you think? and are there any willing to help with the coon hunting part?

Here is a small clip with a cheep digital camera I did last year cant wait to see where she ends up this year.


and the rest of it


The harder you work the luckier you get!!
That is a great idea sw.

You are a damn good dad.

No coon hounds here but I sure hope it falls in place for ya.

There is a place (new) in North Ogden or maybe Pleasant View that is offering Pig hunts.

Thanks to a major change recently that took place at a bad time you can Buy a Turkey Tag!

Once again the DWR turns one more thing in to $$$!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
And a good BBQ!
I am Medicine And I am Poison!
Coon hunting is fun, everyone I know has sold thier hounds for that.

I can help with the pheasant if you need? I've got a pretty good bird dog that I would love to get on more birds. Let me know if your interested in that.

spring to summer would be the best time. pm me if you can't find anyone... I know some people... possibly more that one in one night.
If you can't find any hound hunters, some have had good luck with predator calls. If she wants a twist on it, trapping might be interesting to her. Coons aren't difficult to trap and it would add another dimension to her outdoor experience.
>justr_86 you do any chucker hunting?
Love chasing the red legged devils! The groups I knew of all died in a harsh winter 3 years ago so its been a while.

Go to the UKC coonhound forums, while it wasn't around when I was hunting ringtails back home in WV, it is an excellent source too look around on. Maybe you might find someone in Utah who runs ringtails, most houndsman are very cordial and great all around people, but like in all groups you have your shady folks. I know that if I had hounds and the time to hunt them and you were close to where I am located at and wanted to tag along on a hunt with your kid, I would be most certainly happy to have you along for the journey. Keep in mind ringtails and hounds have minds of their own and it seems like everything goes to crap after you turn the dogs loose for the second track and tree, seen it too many times to think about. Long nights those were, LOL (sometimes didn't recover the dog until about 12-24 hours later)! Best of luck to you in your search and let us know how it turns out. But I must warn you, hunting raccoons with hounds can get very addictive very quickly, you are looking at a guy who as a teenager who got caught up in this world wholeheartedly after just one hunt, with one very special hound (who I loved almost as much as life itself), it brought me out of my shell, made me lots of friends within this faternity still to this day, and countless hours spent with my Father (who introduced this world to me) at night, listening to some of the most wonderful hound music in the world.
In the past, I was a pretty avid coonhunter. Hunted in Kentucky, Virginia, Indiana and Ohio. WVBOAK is right, there were alot of long nights and sometimes you just left you coat where you parked and picked up the dog early in the morning. The dog would be laying on your coat - I hunted with a redbone hound, not the greatest but usually got the job done. Here in Colorado we have alot of coons but no one seems to be hunting them. Since there is no value anymore for the hides most of the hunters quit. I always found the weekend hunts at the coonhunter clubs were alot of fun - always had good food, a bench show and treeing contest. Found that not all liars are coonhunters but all coonhunters were liars when it came to talking about their dogs Ha. Well this is more info than you probably wanted but just got started rambling.

Happy Holidays and a prosperous New Years

I understand how the coon thing can be addicting. Lindsay and I actually found someone hunting near utah lake one night and they let us tag along. I cant remember his name but he was a monster muley guy. Hope he sees this post! Although Lindsay didnt get to shoot one she had a great time hunting all night long and told me when it was over that it was the most fun shes ever had. She then said I love you and thanks for always taking me with you. It actually brought a tear to my eye.
Here is a coon from that night

Here was our first time turkey hunting. She was 6 and it was opening day. It took me 6 years to draw the tag. I called in a few birds but they weren't going to give me the shot so I asked her to sit still and I belly crawled about 5 yards to where I could get a shot. Just when I was about to shoot she started singing and blew the birds into the next county. Boy was I mad! I got up walked back to her and this is the look on her face. I didn't say a word just took the photo. To this day it reminds me its the little things in life that really matter.

After that day I have tried to include my girls in everything I do. I pretty much dont even do my things any more. I simply enjoy teaching them everything I enjoy doing more then I enjoy doing it myself.

Her are a few more photos
her best lake trout

Her largest shed

first rifle deer hunt

our first double

17 and 25 yard groups



The harder you work the luckier you get!!
>Coon hunting is fun, everyone I
>know has sold thier hounds
>for that.
>I can help with the pheasant
>if you need? I've got
>a pretty good bird dog
>that I would love to
>get on more birds. Let
>me know if your interested
>in that.

that would be cool I don't have a dog. I could also show you some chucker country if you want.



The harder you work the luckier you get!!
My buddy owns a bird farm out here in the basin, if you wanted to go that route? Let me know. Pm me if you want and we can get something figured out. He has easy spots for the kids that would be a blast for her.

I will take her if ya want I dont use dogs though. I killed 14 last year and the year before 17. Here is picture we took a few year ago. We figured the 3 in the picture averaged 40 pounds.
now thats what im talking about. where and when? those are some of the largest coons ive ever seen


The harder you work the luckier you get!!
We usually do best around July, and chances are they wont be that big. I have only seen one larger than those, and none to that size since. But your going to have to come to south Idaho.
get a call that has a coon fight on it and look for a tree with a knothole that is big enough for a coons head and coon sign around.Set call up on back side of tree about 10 yards from tree then get where you can see the hole.Let the coon get all the way out before shooting.Sometimes they come out slow and sometimes they coming flying out.
I don't coon hunt but I hunt lion and bear with hounds if you want to come along. Bear hunting is the funnest, and it is not as cold.

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