Quotas are out

Looks like G&F is trying to get a handle on the deer in 133, 134, & 135. Season length cut back though there are two weekends to hunt. And interesting enough, the 3 pt reg is still proposed for 133 & 134. No 3 pt rule for G & H.
Substantial amount of tags cut for non residents in K, L and Q for deer. Not a ton of changes for Elk. Still looking at Antelope.
Curious, The antelope around Baggs were cut pretty heavy and they claimed a bunch of winter kill, but some how not for deer? From what I have seen around Baggs the deer were just as bad and the lopes.

They did cut season by 2 days but that is not really enough to curtail the harvest percents. If anything it might make it higher because guys are less likely to hold out?
Since I am new to WY as a resident. How does WY justify offering Doe Fawn tags at all when the herds are below objective? Colorado kept telling us how bad the mule deer numbers were and they were still offering a ton of antler less tags. Through some pretty strong push by the sportsmen groups we got them to drop nearly all doe mule deer harvest until the population objective were close to being met.
I've been asked by some of my other non-ressy buds if they can change their sheep/moose appl.'s like elk and I told them I had no clue...….

I've been asked by some of my other non-ressy buds if they can change their sheep/moose appl.'s like elk and I told them I had no clue...….

I looked the other day and you can still modify your sheep and moose application. Not sure of the end date on that, the G&F website is much like hunting a whitetail buck in the forest.
Since I am new to WY as a resident. How does WY justify offering Doe Fawn tags at all when the herds are below objective? Colorado kept telling us how bad the mule deer numbers were and they were still offering a ton of antler less tags. Through some pretty strong push by the sportsmen groups we got them to drop nearly all doe mule deer harvest until the population objective were close to being met.

Likely the herd objectives are unachievable due to habitat constraints.

IMO, I think that all Western States are living in the past when it comes to many of the herd objectives with mule deer. Probably well past time to realign with some obtainable objectives based on the habitat or lack there-of.
Likely the herd objectives are unachievable due to habitat constraints.

IMO, I think that all Western States are living in the past when it comes to many of the herd objectives with mule deer. Probably well past time to realign with some obtainable objectives based on the habitat or lack there-of.
Maybe so, but it still doesn't make sense to offer mule deer doe/fawn tags. What am I missing Buzz?
Maybe so, but it still doesn't make sense to offer mule deer doe/fawn tags. What am I missing Buzz?

Missing nothing...just providing the justification used to allow harvest on herds that are under objective.

Could be social, biological, habitat related, and other reasons why it happens. Doesn't mean that I agree with it, just answering the "why".

I've asked that very question to the Commission and the various Biologists...say like issuing 25 pronghorn doe tags in an under objective unit. If a landowner is whining about the 100 pronghorn that are hitting his alfalfa, the GF often responds by issuing some tags to placate the landowner. Even if the over-all herd is under objective, they issue those tags for a purely social/wildlife intolerance reason.

Same with mule deer doe hunting when they're under objective but following a several year drought, the forage/habitat could be so crappy, that killing some of the deer off could be utilized to pull what is left through. Deer can rebound pretty quickly when habitat improves with wetter years.

Again, not saying me, you, or the greater hunting public has to agree or like it...but that's the "why" these things often happen.
Maybe so, but it still doesn't make sense to offer mule deer doe/fawn tags. What am I missing Buzz?


I know you addressed this question to BuzzH but I can give you a perspective from the Sheridan, Johnson & Campbell Co's.

The harvest of mule deer doe or fawns is allowed on private land in this area to address agricultural damage issues (lots of deer [both WT and MD] on hay fields). And, in Hunt Area 33 the 2020 season proposal is to remove the type 6 licenses that allowed a hunter to kill a mule deer doe or fawn.


P.S. - Buzz replied while I was crafting my response.
Is it the usual practice to extend the 4 pt antler restriction requirement into a third year of mule deer hunting? It was my understanding that any benefit was obtained after 1 or 2 years of such an antler restriction. mh
Is it the usual practice to extend the 4 pt antler restriction requirement into a third year of mule deer hunting? It was my understanding that any benefit was obtained after 1 or 2 years of such an antler restriction. mh
I've always been told they do not want to have a 4 point restriction more than two years in a row. That time frame is not as critical with a three point APR though.

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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