

Active Member
I'm from out of state and my dad and i drew gen season elk tags. he's older and i wanted to do diy combo hunt with him. if I'm correct unit 37 for elk is a gen unit and the season overlaps with a region y gen mule deer tag. is this correct. i tried to research it on the hunt planner part of the game and fish website. also, under the special draw do you need pref points to get the deer tag. i guess this is too many questions but is this even an area where a combo hunt is possible considering public access,terrain, elk and deer populations etc.we have never set foot in north central wyoming and i was wondering after all the effort of applying and drawing and traveling 1000 miles should we consider a outfitter. we are experienced hunters but would be lost due to no scouting . we are not trophy hunters. we just try to enjoy what hunting time we have left together. thanks
Pretty sure "Y" was a 100% in the regular draw. After the points draw it goes to the random draw where there were still more tags then applicants left from the point draw.
I think its going to come down to how much time you have.

I have shot whitetails in the deer units in NR region Y on public lands.

There are mule deer, but I've never hunted any of those areas when mule deer season is open.

As far as hiring an outfitter? Personally, I'd sooner roast my tags over a camp fire before hiring one, but understand you are coming from a long ways away.

I don't know any of the outfitters in that area, but you should do your due diligence before hiring one.

I wish I knew the area better...good luck.
LAST EDITED ON Mar-15-15 AT 01:00PM (MST)[p]Yes, a combo hunt is doable for elk in unit 37 and deer unit 25 under the Region Y license in that same area. Both seasons open on 10/15 and the elk tag is only good for an antlered bull, so be aware of that. The Y license for deer in the Regular PP Draw was 81.45% and the remaining 313 that didn't draw went into the Random Draw and got their tags as part of the 490 tags offered in that draw with the remaining tags going to those who got drawn that had it as a second choice. It would be a 100% draw in the Random Special as a first choice that doesn't use PPs. There is a good chunk or wilderness in the sw part that you won't be able to hunt without a guide and there is a lot private land in the eastern half of the units. If you have the cash to hire an outfitter, you may want to go that route to possibly have access to both areas that would be out of bounds on a DIY hunt. If you don't have a lot of extra cash, just put in for the Regular Draw for a Y tag and go out and have fun on a DIY hunt. The Mountains are some beautiful country, but be aware that by the second half of October the weather can be a hindrance and that may be another reason to go guided if you can afford it. As Buzz mentioned, use due diligence in hiring an outfitter by doing lots of research and talking to people that didn't fill their tag with an outfitter, rather than to just ones who did.

Wyoming Hunting Guides & Outfitters

Badger Creek Outfitters

Offering elk, deer and pronghorn hunts on several privately owned ranches.

Urge 2 Hunt

We focus on trophy elk, mule deer, antelope and moose hunts and take B&C bucks most years.

J & J Outfitters

Offering quality fair-chase hunts for trophy mule deer, elk, and moose in Wyoming.

Yellowstone Horse Rentals - Western Wyoming Horses
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