Question regarding walk in areas...



We are putting in for points this year, but are still looking to hunt antelope and mule deer on the east side of the state. Looking for information regarding a walk in area in Region B. I've read on different threads about the deer hunting not being great out there, but we're looking for somewhere we can find a spot and take a chance to hunt for deer and antelope.

Any info anyone could provide would be great. We would also be interested in paying a reasonable trespass fee if anyone has any info on that.

I checked the DFG site but it states the walk in areas wont be posted until around July 1st, so wondering what was available last year.

Thanks for any info you can provide. Feel free to send a PM.
Somehow I missed the earlier post on walk in areas and found what I was looking for with the link provided in that post.

I was wondering if they similar year to year and we can start planning on last years list?

But if anyone has contacts for privat land owners that allow access for a small fee I'd still appreciate any info.

Antelope in Region B Walk In Areas is almost a sure success,deer though is a little harder to find.Some of the ranchers still allow hunting but it is getting harder to find a good place.What I found is that outfitters have leased the hunting rights up on several ranch's that I called on when I was looking.After alot of research,I decided to go just for antelope on public land.
Thanks for the reply, sounds good. How much public land were you able to access?
LAST EDITED ON Jun-03-11 AT 06:40AM (MST)[p]
There is plenty of public land and about 20,000 acres of walkin areas just a few miles west of Newcastle that should give the same access as last year. I was all over the northern part of Region B last year for over a week and I would not buy a deer license and go back there unless I had a proven ranch to go on. I even talked to two ranchers that I believe would have let me hunt, but both said the deer were down so bad in that area that they don't see many and it wouldn't be worth my time. The area is fine to shoot antelope though, but I would not waste my time on public land deer up in that area. The F&G Game Warden for that general area said the same thing, although the deer are supposed to be doing better in the southern half of the Region. Anyway, I'm going back to the west side of the state where I should have stayed and not wasted a season!
Thanks for the info. Yeah I've read all the different threads about B not being worth your time for deer. We're going in with the idea that we're going to have deer tags just in case, while hunting antelope. Thanks again.
So hopefully someone who is smart can help me further. I was reading the regs and saw that leftover tags for deer and antelope (bucks) would be put on sale sometime in July. I thought it said that someone would have to apply and there would be a separate drawing for them?

Is this correct? In years past didn't people just purchase any license that wasn't given out during the draw period?

We're looking to pickup unit 7 antelope tags and region B deer tags (bucks). In the FAQ's on the WFG website it said that there wouldnt be an excess of leftover buck tags... Is this normal? Am I going to miss out this year or will we still be able to get these tags?

Maybe I'm reading it incorrectly.

All full price tags that aren't taken in the draw that happens this month will go on sale first-come first-serve on July 6 and all the leftover doe deer/antelope and cow elk tags will go on sale on July 20. There should be plenty of Region B deer tags and some buck antelope tags for unit 7, as well as doe tags for both species, left after the draw based on the last few years sales. Just go on the F&G website and set up an account for each person. Then go on the site and buy your tags with your credit card when they go on sale. Each person needs a Conservation Stamp for $12.50 and you can also buy that and print it out right on the site when you buy your tags. It's all pretty simple and quick to do. If you have any problems or questions, just give a shout and I'll help you out, as I'm pretty familiar with the Wyoming system.
Thanks for the reply. I got it mixed uup somewhere and thought I read if you purchased a leftover tag you were put in for a second lottery. Maybe that was just for leftover LQ units.

Now the fun of calling countless landowners begins. Hopefully there is some quality private land left.

Thanks again.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-04-11 AT 08:17AM (MST)[p]Go the second week of the season and if you skip the opener you will have a lot less problems on public land and a lot better chance of getting on a ranch. Most nonresidents want to be out for the opener for some reason and I try to skip the first 4 or 5 days most years. FYI, as of last year they eliminated the second drawing that was called the leftover draw and went to strictly one draw for everything and then OTC sales until all tags in a unit are sold.
Any idea on the range I should expect to pay per person for a trespass fee to hunt muleys? I've heard antelope fee's are around 300-500 dollars, but some owners want to you take a doe before you take a buck.

Just wondering what I can expect to hear regarding cost to hunt deer on a property.
Sorry I can't help you on that since I will not pay anybody to hunt anything and, therefore, have never checked on prices, but I think you may be a little high on your antelope fees unless you are looking for a Booner buck. By the way, it's not a bad idea to buy one or two cheap doe antelope licenses when they go on sale july 20. You are lucky to get 40# of boned out meat from an antelope and if you take care of them properly I find they are as good or better eating than deer. Shoot one that hasn't been run all over the place, get him deboned and on ice ASAP and they are great eating IMO.
Sounds good. Ya I have never paid to hunt on someone's property but am looking that direction for deer based on what I've been reading. If we can't find somewhere decent on private for deer I'll be hunting both on public.

Thanks for all the info.

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