Question: please help


Long Time Member
Recently I put in a super "powerful" (according to Home Depot) garbage disposal. This is the third one I've tried in six months. Seems that no matter what brand I put in it won't grind up the stuff I shove down it. They said it was powerful and worth the money. Well I don't know about that. I put a bullet in the last one I had. Supposed to come with a lifetime warranty but they haven't lived my life. When it says garbage disposal it should be able to dispose a little garbage. My goal is to be able to cancel my contract with the local garbage company but so far I haven't found a disposal that can take all my trash.

Anyone have any suggestions?
Your garbage belongs in your neighbors garbage can.
Just dump it when your sneaking over in the middle of the night to hook up to your neighbors electricity.
If you have concerns about it not being powerful enough, put your hand down the drain and grip the blade. Then turn on the power, if you can hold it and keep it from moving you need to upgrade.
Alright Smart Ass(NVB!)

LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-11 AT 03:36AM (MST)[p]Alright Mr Smart-Ass!

Quit being so Gawd Damn CHEAP & Quit Buying them PISSCUTTER Garbage Dispopsers!

You think you're saving Money by buying one of them PISSCUTTER 1/2 Horsepower Disposers at Home Depot huh?

Quit being such a Pussie & buy one that'll do the job!


Somebody with your kinda money & you still run a Disposer that don't even break the 1 HP rating,WTF?

Don't be such a tight ass & buy the right tool for the job!

Still think there's some owner/operator problems!
RE: Alright Smart Ass(NVB!)

LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-11 AT 07:50AM (MST)[p]You must be married to my ex wife........she thought the same way.

You could plumb in a heavy duty yard chipper....they eat ANYTHING!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
RE: Alright Smart Ass(NVB!)

Cool it nickman!

We about to go Racing!:D


Not married to your EX,but I hear She's HOT,you got any Pics?:D
RE: Alright Smart Ass(NVB!)

One more thing for NVB!

You seem to be a little sore,was it that Pic I sent you?:D
RE: Alright Smart Ass(NVB!)

Plus on that commercial unit that bess posted a link for, they offer free shipping if you spend $99 or more! What a steal!
The label stating 110 volt is just a safety feature added for the average home owner, they can handle 220 volt no problem and will double the HP and the motor RPM. Do that and it'll grind tree stumps.
RE: Alright Smart Ass(NVB!)

I have the same problem as you... been going on a couple months and things have began to back up a bit in the kitchen.

Luckily we got a fair sized backyard but even that has become a bit cluttered as of late. On the upside, I don't have as much grass to mow now.
Chit can Home Depot and get ahold of Tim "The Tool Man" Taylor aka Sageadvice and he can make it work.

yep Sage will hook up a Sageadvice special for a all expense paid hunting trip for turtles in the Midwest.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
B_POP, I don't want to have to spend that kinda money!!! Although, I do like the silver finish.

Can't someone direct me towards a fix? I don't care if its B_POP or sage, I just want someone to offer me some free help. I'm tired of throwin these POS things away. I shouldn't have to drop 5 grand. Judas priest!!! They're called a "disposal" right? Shouldn't they dispose "all"????
>But not your own House Cat,right

I'll ask the wife if I can kill it today so I can make the guys on MM happy.


Quit being a PUSSIE & Cough the money up,you ain't taking it with you so you might as well spend some of it!

5K is pocket change for somebody like you!
Seems to me I ought to be able to make a one-time investment and then maybe a monthly or annual renewal fee. sort of a protection program. Seems simple enough to me.

Oh, B_POP, you seem to be a plumbing guru. Got any cheap easy, fixes for my hot water pipes that are leaking? I've tried everything. Duct tape. Tightening the fittings. Its that plastic crap and its hard to get to up inside that floor insulation on my single-wide. I ain't gonna pay no real plumber the money those thieves get for fixing it!!! Highway robbery is what that is!!! Was thinking of replacing a few sections with copper. I've done a little plumbing on the farm and think I can sweat some copper together and fix it. You got any scrap copper around you could UPS me? Then if I run a heat lamp under there with the new straw bales I shouldn't freeze up any more.

Whaddya think?

WTH is that?

People like You NVB always wanting that CHEAP FREE CRAP That takes 'No Know how' to install has come up with a product You'll really like,Can you run a pair of Pliers/Crimpers?

Got some Scrap Copper but I ain't partin with it!:D

Guess since you don't like the Price of Plumbing,I sure the Hell don't like the price of Beef,tired of paying thieves for Beef!Highway robbery is what that sshit is!

You got any Skinny Sick Calves I could have,maybe you could ship me one that's about to kick the Bucket?
Can I sweat the fitting on the plastic stuff? Or do I use duct tape? Right now I got some hung under there with baling twine. Think I'll call my neighbor to come help me. He has a bit of plumbing experience too. Doesn't mind taken a few minutes from his car salesman job to help a friend out for free either.

You think beef is expensive? It sure aint gettin to my pocket. Don't see any high dollar guns with silver scopes in my future. Why do you think I still fix computers part time?

So here's yet another question. A year or two ago my septic tank backed up. So I just removed that little plug in the line behind my trailer house labeled "CO" and let er spill out the top. Works ok. Skatin rink in winter, fish pond in summer. But my question is, do you think I need to fertilized the tomatoes that grow around the edge of the pond?
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-11 AT 02:34PM (MST)[p]Ya,after you get your pipe installed by you 2 Amateurs,you can & will 'sweat it'LMMFAO!

You fix Puters so you can 'Whored' more money,that's why!

No need to fertilize the 'Mators'!

A bunch of the Neighbors Cows got in my Yard & really made a mess of all the new PEX pipe(Yes,sshit all over it!) I had layin out back,think I need to wipe it off before I send you some FREE Pipe?

EDIT:I haven't got any 10,000.00 trips to Hawaii planned even though I'd like to!
According to the green movement you shouldn't even use a garbage disposal. I suggest putting all the garbage in a big pile on the neighbor's lawn, and then saturate with diesel. Light a match, and problem is solved....pc
bess, if you think this is a frustrating conversation, you should try talking to you about guns..


If rifle hunting was gay swbuckmaster would do it...
BOP, I like talking plumbing with you too. Do you like talkin it with me?

Sorry you gotta work today. I drove up to Reno last night, had a romantic dinner, and now I'm sittin here watchin Good Morning America in bed, havin a cup of coffee. The plumbing here works pretty good. Fishing's lousy I'll bet though.

I'd tell you more but I got a better offer. :)
Judas freakin priest NVB. Scrap your F$%^ing dishes!!! Now take off your apron and go watch something how to knitt a freaking sweater!!! Guez!!!!!

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