Question on knife making


Active Member
LAST EDITED ON Aug-16-09 AT 02:09PM (MST)[p]I know this isn't the forum but does anyone know what kind of glue I could use to bond to horn and steel? And what kind of finish I could put on the horn handle to stand up for a purpose of a knife in the field? Thanks
I second that suggestion, here is the one he made for me.
If you use Gorilla Glue - don't let it get on your carpet!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Aug-17-09 AT 08:00PM (MST)[p]Nebo;

I use Loctite Hysol E-20HP epoxy for my knives. Has a 50+ year rating on adhesion strengh. The other one mentioned, Gorilla glue, is also rated very high for knife work. It's only problem will be that it expands upon curing and may flow out of the joints and you need to clean it up.

A third one, still good, is Devcon two ton epoxy that can be found at most hardware stores at a very resonable price.
The loctite Hysol comes in 13 oz. tubes and is about 30 bucks retail per tube, so go for the Devcon or Gorilla glue.

As for finish on the horn. Having it stabilized by a commercial company is best to insure stability and holding up in the field under wet conditions. But that would run you about 15 bucks for one set of horn to do a knife. They charge by the pound and have a min. amount. You can also use a good carnuba paste wax and give it several coats per year and buff it.

Kilo, I expect that knife to be broken in on a trophy animal this fall. As bobcat says, we will not accept any pisscutters either.

LAST EDITED ON Aug-17-09 AT 08:36PM (MST)[p]Great looking knifes and thanks for the tips. I will try to find some glue that you recommended. I couldn't wait any longer to do some more work on the knife so I have some very good wax and app;ied it to the horn. I gave it 3 coats and let it dry for 2 days before I buffed it out. It sheds water and looks like it will work fine. Like you said I can wax it after each year of use and looks like it will be fine. I wanted to make a guard but couldn't come up with any good material so I did order a few gaurds. I will get a picture out when I get it done. Again thanks for all your help and the pictures of you knifes.

Bob I leave in two days for Ely, NV and opener is this coming Sat. 22nd....wish me luck I am going to need it in this heat.

Brian, I wish that you get a "book" lope. As for the heat, get out before dawn and catch one coming off his bed when it is cool in the morning.

If you end up having to hunt the hot part of the day, find a water hole and stake it out and make him come to you. Stay away from those "girls" in Battle Mountain. Or was it Eel that was hunting near Battle mountain.


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