Question of IP adress?


Long Time Member
I know not so will ask those that might can clear this up for me.

What does it mean when two different people on the same day do a post with a IP # of ??

Does this mean that they are one and the same person?
""""""""""""""""""""""""""""might be the same person?
""""""""""""""""""""are probably not the same person?

Thanks, Joey
It means you've been snooping & trying to accuse people of being somebody they ain't.
We tried reasoning with you & you seem to not like what we've said?
We've tried giving sage advice,get it?
We like the Heck out of you but them UP-FRONT payment plans seem to really be bothering you?
Not being smart,but this other item you mentioned here on the Campfire,well I been doing some thinking,maybe you could buy that item with a credit card,you know,kinda finance it on a credit card,pay a few monthly payments,that way you'd probably feel better,you could try it out before it was fully paid for cuzz we know now you don't like paying 100% up front.

Have a nice day sage.
My question stands. Hell_ on Wheels has the same IP address as another who regularly posts here, would that be the same person?

Sure would appreciate an answer here!

Have you checked your own IP Sage? That exact same IP shows up for you too LOL....

I could mean that 2 people in the same family are MM members. Like father and son or husband an wife. They use the same computer and each have their own name. It could be a shared company computer. Maybe one at a library. Just because its the same IP. doesn't mean its the same person.
WTH sage, we don't come down to the junior high and try to mess up your game. Why are you stirring the pot?
That's interesting and Thanks Guys!

Tony, You are correct and that's incredible! I assure anyone out there i'm not putting myself thru the H_O_W's imbecile like treatment.

So, because i'm also listed with the same IP, that makes 3 of us and i know that i'm not sending in H_O_W's posts, i can't accuse one who i've come to consider a good buddy here in these pages with going off the deep end. :)

Get well, whoever you are!

An IP address is not like your SS #. It's a # that identifies a machine.

"Vegetarians are cool. All I eat are vegetarians - except for the occasional mountain lion steak."
-Ted Nugent-
so Sage is Hell on wheels. so in other words he is fighting with himself and calling himself names.

Sometimes I get pissed at myself and punch myself in the face. But never do I talk to myself.:)
Ransom, There have been a couple way more knowledgeable fellows than me, PM me with informing info. I'll just say that i'm disappointed and leave it at that.

BTW, i'm only 6'2 1/2 or 3" depending if i stretch my neck or not... but i always "play" much bigger than that :)

Funny you should mention that! I've actually been offered money several times to thump somebody. Never have done it though.

I've thumped plenty of guys for nothing though, they just kept it up, pushing the wrong buttons, or flat out deserving it and got what they were looking for i guess.

I'm not the baddest ass in the world. I have the right attitude though, some training, and lots of experience, so in this little part of the world at least, i've been known as one that is best not messed with and i like it that way! :)

Joey, no wonder you always get paid for your plumbing work. Maybe it's not the hand shake, but how hard you squeeze?:)


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
Susanville CA is where that pings from. I think Ransom lives suspiciously close to that.
>1911 you are a big male
>body part

unlike D13er who is a small male body part.


Know guns, know peace, know safety. No guns, no peace, no safety.
660?? lol that's funny!

I was pretty decent in the 40 @ 4.7 am pretty quick from here to there...but again being phisycal and being good in a lot of athletics, yeah it take some ability, but a ton of it, the part that really counts, is in the mindset of the individual. You've heard the phrase, he has a "linebackers mentality"? I know exactly what that means. :)

To those who has hands the same size as a 6th grader.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Sage,if you need any help just give me a call.Last fight I was in didnt go to good for the dude.He got his hand caught in my back pocket and I drug him to death while I was running away(ROD)
hey sage i dont fight anymore either. last time i got out of prison for killing a guy i vowed to never go back there again.

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