Question for you guys


Very Active Member
I am supposed to be backpacking into the roadless bookcliffs for 4 days on Friday. This trip has been planned for months. 4 adults and 2 kids are coming. We are all bursting with excitement. However, it looks like there will be on and off rain and thunderstorms. The rain doesn't worry us much, but the lightning does. I hate to reschedule, but think it might be best. What do you guys think?
You've got a better chance of being hit by lightning..... oh wait... that's what you're talking about! LOL

Even though I know a lot, only Deity would know if you'll be struck by lightning or not.

I'll guess.... um... NOT.

Have a great trip,

Now I wonder if I'll be involved in a car crash today! Way better odds than lightning!
For me the days that I can go are to few and far between. Just work with nature and enjoy being out there. Don't camp on top or next to the biggest tree. Watch out for a gully washer too. Like you said let the parents decide. Nothing like being out in a good storm to remember the trip by.

If it looks like you could get some serious rain check out the terrain for past run off prior to pitching your tents. Never skyline or ridge top during a thunderstorm. Can get crazy up there. Have a good time but go prepared for the worst and hope for better weather than anticipated. Have fun?

ditch the graphite walking staffs and find a nice branch...those evenings light shows you won't ever forget!
some of the best glassing and animal movement is before and after a rain storm. id say go for it but take the rain gear! good luck!

"Shoot Straight"

I've never once thought "this is stupid, I should have stayed home".

We had a big group planned to go into the Uintas for 4 days. Weather report was terrible. Most stayed home, we went anyway. Great trip. Had to hole up for an hour or so once or twice, but otherwise it was great.

It's a very rare occurence that it rains all day long. Most showers come and go.
I agree with what others have said. Just go. It is highly unlikely that any weather pattern will simply "sit" over you guys. Lightning would be my biggest worry, but I think you can avoid that danger easily.

The great thing about the Books is that, especially this time of year, you won't see hardly anybody, if anybody while you're there. If you decide its too dangerous to backpack into the Roadless Area, so what..?? You can still drive out there, find a nice spot to pitch your tents, and still enjoy the spring weather. And if you catch a lightning storm while up on the Divide Road somewhere, you are in for a real treat. You can see for miles and miles and it would be a storm to remember.

"Therefore, wo be unto him that is at ease in Zion!" 2 Ne. 28: 24
Weather is one of the reasons that i like camping-hunting from a pop-up cab-over camper. If it gets bad, i can hunker down, be warm, and stay completely dry with no tents or other gear getting soaked.

I can think of very few things that put me to sound sleep as fast as rain coming down on my camper roof. As said, stay off the ridges and take a really good look around your potential camping spot for dead or potentially dangerous trees before you decide to make camp.


"It's all about knowing what your firearms practical limitations are and combining that with your own personal limitations!"
Just make sure everyone is prepared for the rain. It reminds me of the time we were packed in about 6 miles and it started pouring. About dark a Boy Scout troop showed up. Those poor kids were soaked to the bone along with all their gear. After a miserable night, they packed up and hiked back out. It's not always fun in the rain. I wish they had postponed and I'm sure they did too.


It's written in the good Book that we'll never be asked to take more than we can. Sounds like a good plan, so bring it on!
I am never concerned about lightning unless I am in a boat or on the golf course (average once every 5 years). In the woods I have zero concern for lightning. If you are on some bare peak, yea some concern but that is easy to avoid..


"Hunting is where you prove yourself"
My wife and I backpacked into the Uinta's a couple times when she and I had goat tags. Both trips were punctuated with brilliant lightning storms. It was quite a sight and a great experience.

Well done, schoolhousegrizz!


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