Question for all you cops


Very Active Member
Recently in my condo complex there have been a bunch of vehicle burglaries. One car even had the wheels stolen.
Question is, if I catch a guy at my truck in process, how much trouble would I get in if I shoot him in the @ss with my bow? I will even put my target tips in.
I would even shoot from my porch.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!
Not a cop, I guess Shore Patrol is way different, but it won't be worth it. Could lose your ability to own a weapon. Could do jail time.

As tempting and fun as it may be, be careful and don't do stupid stuff.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?

Plus if you shoot someone and they don't die, you have to worry about him getting even. If I ever decide to shoot someone, that will not be an option.

kawboy, if you decide to do that I will save you a cell with bubba. Not a good idea at all. I'm sure some of the LEO's on the road will chime in here soon.

I had the pleasure of babysitting a guy who shot his neighbor with a pellet gun. He said the reason he did it was the guy was a registered sex offender. He did just over 9 months and is the proud owner of a new felony.

If your life is not in danger call the police. Material things can alway be replaced.
Come on rug... Bubba? Kawboy would probably miss anyways...

You didn't say what state that you live in...not that it really matters, as that would be hard to defend, even in Texas (about the only state where you can shoot somebody to protect personal property).

It is not a good don't have to be a cop to know that.
John 14:6
LAST EDITED ON Jun-19-11 AT 12:44PM (MST)[p]I know someone who attacked a theif with a bat after he stole a nail gun from the back of his truck and after the thief got out of hospital then jail he sued for his injurys and now hes into him every month for 400 bucks for like life!!
and medical, dental bills!!and life time medical for that injury!
The theif was approched by attorney well in the hospital!(CA has a law against that!).
the guy stated that he was losing alot of equipment from rip offs and just wanted to ring his bell!
I disagree with the Texas comment, you would be extremely hard pressed to find a jury willing to convict a "honest" man protecting property...even if it is someone elses property! A situation repeated within the state. Even with a damning 911 recording where an individual stated "I'm not going to let this happen"(proves intent to kill)...said individual left his home, lit up 2 burglers (in the back if I recall) with a shotgun cause he saw them enter his NEIGHBOR's house and was afraid they would get away before the cops could arrive! All occuring with a un-uniformed cop watching! I think the jury got it wrong...but makes a man think before the decides to take from others and thats the point.

So it depends on the state...if youre in a state like Texas...good luck finding 12 Texans who believe protection of life and/or property is an invalid reason for taking a human life.

However, shooting to wound would probably get you in a lot more trouble. Kinda shows that you werent really concerned with saftey or protection...more like revenge was the only motive. If youre gonna commit...go big or go home!

That deadly violence over items easily replaced really worth it...I could go either way...but hope to never have to!
I think I'd light him up with a rubber blunt. Shouldn't penetrate and would leave a hell of a mark.

The voices in my head may not be real, but they have
some good ideas!
Nothing I hate more than a thief. It should be legal to blunt a pos in the back when you catch them breaking into your truck! I think if a thief new it was legal to kill'em when they get caught in the act I think we would have less thief's.

Sometimes it's better to wait for your revenge! I had a guy steal my chainsaw from the back of my truck while i was in a waterhole cooling off. He then tried to sell it to a friend of mine for $50.
My friend knew it was mine, called me... and the Cops, dude was busted.

Everybody that knows me here just knew that punks ass was mine and it was only a matter of time, until the law was done with him, until the situation was right and i was going to have a short and sweet little "my turn".

It all came about as i figured it one day/night would. No witnesses, his word against mine, and he's the known thief. He moved away shortly after that happenstance meeting on the otherwise completely vacant sidewalk in the dead of winter. Good on me, my friends all said, "we don't need or want his kind here!"

ps; anybody here who believes that i must not have wanted my saw because i left it in the back of my a scumbag in my book.

If you shoot someone with a blunt make sure it's the screw on type and not the older slip on style.. Arrows can blow through those and stick 6" into a camp thrashing Angus...


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Had a close friend and cop tell me once, 'dead men tell no tales' in all seriousness. His point was if you are gonna shoot some one kill them otherwise expect a law suit and loss. The point was a dead man cant argue with you when you say it was self defense......


My understanding is unless defending yourself or another person, there could be criminal charges brought against you if you were to physically hurt that person even if they were in the commission of a non-lethal crime.


You havn't got a pair of brass ones unless you up and shoot that thief with your super banger broadhead and nail him to the spot.

Don't worry, if you do grow a pair and do it, we all promise to visit you in prison for the next 25 years that you are in there.

Anyone with an 8th grade education, should know by now that you do NOT want ANY type of confrontation with law enforcement.

Notice that most applications ask if you have ever been arrested.....not convicted.

You cannot win most of the time and even if you do, the history of the event hangs on you like a bad tattoo.

Better to just file the report and hope an opportunity for some "quiet" payback presents itself in the future

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Being a cop and in your area, I can honestly say you don't want to go there. As frustrating as it is, you will end up doing more time than the thief, losing your right to possess/own any kind of weapon, lose your right to vote, apply for certain jobs, etc....
We have great prosecutors out here, but the new Judges have been a little soft. You can not use deadly force to protect property in Utah. At least be smarter than the low life thief.

With that being said, there are other ways to handle this situation if you know who the thief is, but this site has often had these records and pm's subpoena and I will leave it at that.
I do have enough common sense to not put my familys future in jeopardy. I was unsure of the local laws is why I asked. I have been robbed a couple times in the past, and I hate a thief. Its not right that someone works hard to earn something nice only to have a lazy @ss punk steel it. I have no problem taking the higher road, I just think some people need some old fashion lessons. But I will refrain from being the teacher. Karma catches up with people eventually, whether it be good or bad.

I'll tell you who it was . . . it was that D@MN Sasquatch!

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