Question about Workout...


Long Time Member
I'd like to lose about 10 pounds. I am 5'10 and weigh 193. I have a fairly stout build but have gained a little fat under my arm pits and around my gut. I buy size 36 pants but they are a bit loose. 34's are too tight. I want to loose a bit of fat. I have a weight machine in my garage that I will be using. I have several questions....I don't necessarly want to put on more muscle...I want to tone what I've got and loose the weight. More muscle is not a bad thing though. My thoughts were to lift with "average" weight and do more reps. Not so much aerobic but not so much weight training. Here's what I'm thinking...bench, curls, lat pulldowns, tri pulldowns and shoulder shrugs. Those exercises pretty much take care of my upperbody. What exercises will help me lose an inch or two around my gut? Also, are there supplements that will help my fat loss. Should I take protien even though I don't want to pack on muscle? Help me out here. I appreciate the help.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
I am no pro and I know there are others who could offer more help than me, but, keep your heart rate up (>150) for at least 30-40 minutes to start to burn fat.

Try a metabolic workout, high reps like you stated with no more than 1 minute rest between each set. If you really want to burn the fat, in between sets get on a stationary bike or treadmill to keep your heart rate until your next set.

Bottom line, takes discipline and hard work but its a gratifying hard work. Good luck.

Hunt Hard. Shoot Straight. Kill Clean. Apologize to No One.
I completely agree with the post above... heart rate is the key. I'm no pro either, but the other thing missing is large muscle groups (back and legs). Far too many people fail to recognize that working large muscle groups will burn excess calories faster than many aerobic exercises. Also, 10 pounds should take 10 weeks to be considered steady, healthy weightloss...

Screw it....just bought some Hydroxycut! LOL....just kidding. I am implementing squats into my workout to take care of my lower body. I've got a treadmill in the garage with me and I usually walk with it set around 3.9-4.1 miles per hour. That gets the heart rate up pretty quick. I also have 3 pound dumbells in my hands and really pump those while walking....almost like doing curls as I'm walking. I strayed away from that kind of exercise and it has shown. Thanks for the help.

I was in Albertsons today and saw that green tea is big right now for weight loss. I know it's natural but is it really that big of a benefit?

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
LAST EDITED ON Jun-02-11 AT 12:41PM (MST)[p]I took off 65# last year and have been keeping up a fitness routine ever since. I started out walking 3 1/2 miles each morning and when that got easy I added my hunting pack and 15# of weight. As that got easy I kept upping the weight until I hit 35#. Then I added in hitting the bleachers at the local Highschool with the pack for an hour each Saturday morning. I was in great shape for last years Elk hunt. I started running after the hunt and am enjoying it. Going to start doing the bleacher routine again and keep it up until this years hunt.Good luck with your fitness program Steve it really pays off when you hit the hills.... Terry
Once you get you're mind set loosing weight and getting in better shape is easy..

10 pounds will come off quick with 30-60 minutes of cardio per day 5 days a week.. Also nutrition is a big factor.. Plain and simple you need to burn more calories than you consume..

Bottom line ... Along with the exercise above try to only eat 1500-2000 calories per day.. this should have you easily loosing 1-2 pounds per week..


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LAST EDITED ON Jun-02-11 AT 01:09PM (MST)[p]Bucksnort- I think one of my big problems is dinner. I'm pretty good at what i eat during the day (egg on toast in the morning, apple or banana around 11 then a turkey sandwich around 1 or 2). When dinner comes, I over eat. I think it's in my brain that it's the last enjoyable thing of the day and I indulge. I'm sure if I were to be able to control that I'd do much better. My bro in law always says....all you have to do is lift weights and you can eat as much as you want. He's 6'2 and about 230. Hes been a musclehead for the past 3 years. I appreciate the help guys.

Terry- Glad to hear you lost so much weight. Man, you must've been a fat ass!! LOL Congrats

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
" My bro in law always says....all you have to do is lift weights and you can eat as much as you want. He's 6'2 and about 230."

Bad advice for most folks.. There are some folks like you're BIL but most folks are not.. Adding muscle will help you loose weight as muscle will burn more calories than fat but you need to burn more than you consume..

A big dinner before bed is bad.. Try and eat several (5-6) 300 calorie meals a day that may help curb you're large appetite for a big dinner..Try to eat more protein than carbs for you're last meal for the day..

I am in the process of getting in better shape myself.. I have been keeping it simple with a diet and exercise like I suggested, started at 247 and now down to 212..Looking to be below 200 by hunting season..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
"Terry- Glad to hear you lost so much weight. Man, you must've been a fat ass!! LOL Congrats"

LOL.....I was getting there.......Terry
Wiz...Carbs at dinner are bad.....No potatoes, bread, rice, pasta, etc. Great in the morning and during the day but bad at night. Also, even if your not trying to put on a ton of muscle your protein intake is way too low. Your muscles run on protein...if they dont get enough your body goes into conserve mode and starts packing on the lbs. Your lean muscle mass is probably in the 170 range (just a guess) so I would say you need at least 100 grams a day if not more.....If your working out hard and trying to burn fat and build muscle you can easily up that to 1.5g per lb of muscle mass ( or 255g per day). 1 egg is only 5-6g....1 chicken breast is 25g or so just to give you an idea. My advice would be to get some type of "wey" protein supplement and up your protein intake along with working out.

"A well regulated militia, being necessary to the security of a free state, the right of the people to keep and bear arms shall not be infringed."
13er- I thought you were banned. HaHa! It's hard to find 35's. I think they only make them in Wranglers. I can't wear wranglers and my slip ons to work. Gotta look professional, you know?

Hardway- I guess I need to up the protein. What about yogurt. I hear of guys who work out a lot and they eat a chit load of yogurt. I'm assuming I need to have a certain amount of carbs as well in order to give my body something to burn right? Carbs are the fuel that your body burns while working out right?

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
you like ufc, the best of them are wrestlers. cut weight like they do. put on a plastic bag and do some cardio. run, jump,grass drills,bike, etc...
you have so much water weight on your fat azz that will come off quik. then just keep your input less than your output.
problem solved. should be 10 lbs less tomorrow. i used to cut 20+ lbs in 1 1/2 days to make weight, 10 lbs is nothing
I don't think he wants to cut weight by loosing water... He wants to loose fat..


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
LAST EDITED ON Jun-03-11 AT 00:03AM (MST)[p]Wiz,

I will defer my answer until Joey has his say...haha, just kidding. I love you too, Joey.

You need to create a calorie deficit of some kind. In other words, lose more calories than you take in. P90X is pretty good and follows most of the ideas I would teach if I did 1 on 1 stuff. Crossift is way cool too for those who don't want to get hooked up with a personal trainer. Another huge advantage to either of those programs is that they don't focus on one aspect of fitness. The USN SEALs that I know prefer crossfit over p90X, if that makes a difference. I don't think either program will make you a guy who can squat 600lbs or run a sub 4 minute mile, but, they will get you in good hunting shape. And, it is easier to follow than trying to remember a specific set/rep/intensity just have to be able to watch the videos with the same intensity you would watch porn.

Anyway, maintaining muscle fibers does burn slightly more calories than does a cardio-vascular workout. And either will help maintain a healthy heart, assuming an age predicted HR is maintained. One of the differences between cardio and strength training is that (assuming HR remains the same) cardio training places a volume overload on the heart (resulting in a bigger left ventricle) while weight training places a pressure overload on the heart (thicker left ventricle walls). Either way your heart becomes more efficient at pumping oxygenated blood. Statistically, when comparing left ventricle efficiency between similar levels of training, there is no difference between runners and lifters.

Nutrition wise...I would go with a book like this (or any book from 'Human Kinetics')
Much easier than trying to count the amount and type of calories you consume...just make the stuff in her book. And, it is a whole lot easier than trying to figure out the protein load (most folks use 1 - 2 grams per Kg of body weight per day) and having to dig out a calculator.

And stop eating about 2 hours before you go to bed. Your body will tend towards storing the calories as fat since your metabolism will begin to slow down.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Somehow I knew this was going to confuse the hell out of me. :) I checked out the link to the book, feddoc. Looks like that may be a good place to start as far as eating the right food is concerned. I'll check out crossfit to see what that looks like. p90x seems a bit too hardcore for me. I'll be honest, I don't have that much drive. Plus, if I have to work out in front of my tv I'll be sweating all over the carpet. My wife would not like that one bit. :) I like the mixing the weights in with the treadmill to keep the heart rate up though. Thanks for the advice.

Derkha derkha Muhammed jihad hakha sherpha sherpha abakhala- Gary of Team America World Police
come visit me for a week....I'll give you a pair of fence pliers and and a post hole digger...guarantee you'll lose 10 lbs in a week...

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