Putting up Christmas Lights


Active Member
The wife has been on my case to get the Christmas lights up for a couple of weeks.

They are up now and for some reason she will not talk to me.

Go figure . . . . . . .

If she isn't talking to you then she isn't on your case now is she??? It worked out just fine.... nice job!
Well at least you did more than me

If quizzes are quizzical, what are tests?

^^^^ STILL THERE ^^^^
For the first time in years, I put up my lights. I woke up the next day sore and had to pop Ibuprofen for 2 days. I was worse off doing that than when I was in the mountains on my hunts hiking.
Taking them down is an even bigger PITA!


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
>The wife has been on my
>case to get the Christmas
>lights up for a couple
>of weeks.
>They are up now and for
>some reason she will not
>talk to me.
>Go figure . . . .
>. . .

Sometimes you just can't figure women out.. Maybe you should have put up a few more strands of lights.. That's probably what's wrong..
The other day my husband and I put up our tree and I TOLD him it was leaning forward. He said it was just that way and there wasn't much he could do about it. I knew he just didn't want to deal with it. He hates real trees anyway.

Well, the tree fell over the next day. So, I had to call my Daddy to come over to help me put it back in the stand correctly. He brought over a couple of saws and a bad attitude. LOL

He cussed the tree, said he "f-in' hates Christmas trees" and then he yelled in frustration, "You freakin' women, you're all the same!!!" (cept he might have sworn a bit more) and it brought back such good memories of Christmas tree struggles gone by. hee hee hee I just laughed. But then I got into trouble for laughing cuz..."IT's NOT FUNNY JENNIFER!" lol (he even used my whole name..that means business. lol)

But guess what? My tree is now perfectly sitting upright, straight, not leaning and looks great. And, I have lights up on the house just the way I want them, too.

There's something to be said for us "freakin' women". LOL

Merry Christmas, boys! Now go buy your wife something nice.
Hey Jen,

Reminds me of my latest experience putting up Christmas lights for my wife (this past Saturday)! I had them all strung up on the house, and she was upset because there was a gap made where two strands plugged into each other to extend the whole line (so they would reach across the front of the house). So she makes me take them all down, so I can loop them at the gap, and then restring them again. What a PITA! "You freakin' women are all the same!" :)

'Course, I must be like your dad then as well. I muttered a few expletives during the occasion. It didn't make things any easier, but I sure did feel better! :)

Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!


"A man can be hard to find in the mountains, but you're welcome at my fire anytime."
LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-08 AT 01:40PM (MST)[p]Yep - that there is some classy Christmas lights fer shoore! Hilarious - I was going to post it too.

I got my lights up and the tree - though the stupid thing is leaning! So I have it tied up - but I had to switch to 10 lb test - the 6lb stuff was old and rotten and broke and the whole tree about fell over.

Eel - did you throw any of your tools into the front yard? We always knew how good (or bad) any particular mechanic/handyman job was going aroud our house by the amount of screwdrivers, hammers, jigsaws, wrenches, and jackstands that were stewn about the front yard. And don't pick them up either! He by God put them where they are for a reason and wants them left there so he knows right were they are! Just make sure you go over the front lawn with a metal detector before you mow - socket wrenches and lawnmower blades do not mix!

Proverbs 21:19 (why I hunt!)
LAST EDITED ON Dec-09-08 AT 06:38PM (MST)[p]LOL...good one...I'm still working on mine...or should I say my wifes?

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