
LAST EDITED ON Dec-29-10 AT 11:20PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Dec-29-10 AT 11:19?PM (MST)

Here are a few pictures of my 2010 southern Utah LE muzzle loader bull.The bull was located by my dad in some low country on the other side of the unit from where I was hunting. With the help of my two uncles, I was able to make a 100 yard shot, as the bulls cows got thirsty and left the safety of the cedars for a drink. I was very lucky everything went in my favor, which usually doesn't happen, especially to me. We hunted hard and put on some miles in some hot and dry weather, but in the end it all paid off. I knew I had taken a great bull,but was very surprised when he taped out at 377 with 3 to 5 inches missing off his third. He is just good all the way through. With 20" swords, 22" thirds, 19" seconds it all just adds up. By far the best bull seen on my hunt by 50". The size of the elk was not the only surprise. When I got home, I discovered I had a set of sheds from 09-10 off my bull and a white set from a few years back, that I think is him. The bull, put on an amazing 45" in one year. With his 09-10 set grossing around 335 with a 40" spread. It just goes to show how easy a unit can go down hill,with the drop in age class. Now not every bulls going too grow 45" a year most dont even grow 20". But with the right genes, good health, good feed and most important age. One year can make all the differance. I'd like to thank my dad my uncles, also Reed with his tips on where to hunt. My wife and daughter supporting my hunting obsession. With out there help none of this would of been possible. It truly was the hunt of a lifetime !!!!!!!!!!!

Try redoing your pics. I would love to see them. Sounds like a great hunt. Congrats.
I'd say thats the same bull as the sheds. the 4th's all match and the tails all look identical. unless he has a twin runnin around.

Sweet bull!









Sorry about the pics on my frist post this is only my second time posting anything on the web.
Nothing to be sorry about brother, as that is one fine specimen and you are to be congratulated for that great bull!!!
Love everything about that bull except for the fact that he will not be hanging on MY wall! Spectacular, Beautiful Bull.

"Half of being smart, is knowing what you're dumb about."
That is one heck of a bull.

That left front is awesome, I like how it splits.
Awesome Bull and it's pretty cool to have his sheds too.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".

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