putter vs phone internet use


Hello all. I am feeling the pain and missing my lap top putter. For now I am using my Droid phone to get by at home. Just wondering who uses a phone to post on MM?
I have had mixed results using my Blackberry to post . Sometimes it works and other times I'm not sure where the post goes , cyberspace ?

Then again I'm not all that good with my phone or even my computer for that matter . LOL
77 check your in box. Foundation I hear ya on that. Problem I am having is typing is rough. I know Roy will correct me lol
>iPhone, 100% of the time!
>Just don't know how to
>use it to upload photos?

I hear ya on uploading. Need to figure that out myself.
Droid 2 to check MM time to time but I've never tried to post with it yet. Hey Rug PM sent!!

http://i206.photobucket.com/albums/bb37/Feleno/zFix.jpg[/IMG] ~Z~
Mr Fireball77 uses his phone at times. You can tell when he does by the greater amount of misspelled words.
I'm on my blackberry 95% of the time. I can post pictures with it too.

Good to hear from you rug.

I use my blackberry and my droid phone (why I have two phones is another question) to post and check MM. If I'm really gonna look at all the forums and do pictures I use my PC.
I need to figure out how to post pictures on this thing? W Bent how do pictures come out as far as clarity? Justr howdy is it drying up your way?
The pictures taken with my phone that I post are a little blurry on the computer screen.

Snow runoff is drying up a bit. I'm sitting in my truck watching it rain right now though....


Download the photobucket app to your phone..You can then upload pictures to your phone and copy and paste the URL here to post pics..


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Rug when you figure out how to upload pics from your phone let me know how ya do it. hell i still can't upload from a puter. I'm not real technology savvy!
See if this works from a driod2 with the MM picture upload

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