OK Mr King of the FIX-IT PUTER Man?

After all these years I didn't know you did this Crap for a living?

Do you do House Calls?

Anyway,heres the deal:

My FireFox STB (SShit the Bed!)

Can't do anything with FireFox Safe either!

So I had to start using Internet Explorer(Junk stuff in this neck of the woods!)

I downloaded the newest version of Malware & AVG & I've run them a few times!

Still can't get FireFox to work!

So it's IE!!!

Sure would be nice to be able to download ADOBE Flash player!

You must have a Link that'll work?

Or tell me how to fix this POS?

Oh & Ya,Thanks in advance!:D
Have you tried Microsoft Security Essentials? My work computer started acting up last week so I removed AVG & all the other security programs I had and installed MSE (it's free). It found 3 infections that the others had missed and my computer works great now.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-20-11 AT 06:46PM (MST)[p]To quote a "famous" MM poster,....and I paraphrase,

"Quit being so Gawd Damn cheap and buy a puter that will do the job instead of wasting all your money on them Pisscutter Puters"......LOL!

"whackin' a surly bartender ain't much of a crime"
Lol nickman!

I'm sure I'll be burned at the stake for sayimgb this but why is it that IE is junk in your neck of the woods? What experienced, of your own, is that based on? Or is it what your friend down the road who sells used cars told you after he got done helping his other neigb or hang pipe with baling twine?

In 15 plus years I've never used firefox. Lots of people do. Not knocking them. But I've never felt the need. Maybe you need to uninstall it. I doubt if IE likes it there. Prolly need to pick one or the other. At least un til you're up and running again.

Do I do house calls? Sure.

Seriously though. Give us some details. Computer maKe? Age? Operating system? Serviced pack level? Version. Of the evil IE?
Mine is also Microsoft IE VISTA and I got rid of all these other programs that were installed by a Computer Guy and USE ONLY AVG.....I don't have any problems and I get all the obscene videos that are sent to me from you know who. My AVG does a scan every day and major scan every Wed.

Firefox and some of the other so called Protectors block some of the programs you want to have to view video's and other sites.

>Lol nickman!
>I'm sure I'll be burned at
>the stake for sayimgb this
>but why is it that
>IE is junk in your
>neck of the woods? What
>experienced, of your own, is
>that based on? Or is
>it what your friend down
>the road who sells used
>cars told you after he
>got done helping his other
>neigb or hang pipe with
>baling twine?
>In 15 plus years I've never
>used firefox. Lots of people
>do. Not knocking them. But
>I've never felt the need.
>Maybe you need to uninstall
>it. I doubt if IE
>likes it there. Prolly need
>to pick one or the
>other. At least un til
>you're up and running again.
>Do I do house calls? Sure.
>Seriously though. Give us some details.
>Computer maKe? Age? Operating system?
>Serviced pack level? Version. Of
>the evil IE?

Wasted breath..

If rifle hunting was gay swbuckmaster would do it...
Ain't got time to list it all this morning NVB!

But me an CUPSY Average a New Puter every 1-1/2 years,so at this time both of us are pushing Our Luck!

Boy have the Moods around here lately been Pissy!

Some of you back from Hawaii & some of you haven't left to go to Hawaii yet,GEEZUS!!!

Be Glad when you Boy's PMS wears off!

If I'd of just got back from Hawaii I'd probably be in a Pissy mood too NVB!:D

We'll talk about Puters more later on!

It's another Work Week Boys,Let's start enjoying it on this beautiful Monday Morning!:D
LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-11 AT 08:38AM (MST)[p]What's a work week? Its Presidents Day. :)

Seriously though BOP, you wrote a novella chiding the Kona crew but you didn't have time to answer 4 questions?

I'll help:
Windows 95
Service pack 1
IE 4

:) some will see the humor. Some will not.
LAST EDITED ON Feb-21-11 AT 04:32PM (MST)[p]Thats fancy NVB..Mind you bessy runs a 286.



If rifle hunting was gay swbuckmaster would do it...
Well NVB!

I sure the Hell ain't pulling the Double Time like I'll bet you did today!

Well it looks as you might be a Real pro at fixin Ancient Junk?

I'll bet you could make a Killin here in the Basin workin on Vintage Equipment NVB,Hell Sakes bring your sleepin Bag!


Built by a local Puter Shop in Vernal!

WINDOWS XP (Ya,I know it's old stuff!)

On the front it says: 52x24x52x also another disc opening that says 52Xmax!

Last night I dinked with it(While pissin REDDOG & CUPSY off!)and finally got the FireFox Safe mode going & it's 10 times faster than Internet Explorer ever thought of being!

I know the FireFox Safe is just a temporary type a deal but it sure beats IE!

I'm about due for a New Puter,I average one every 1-1/2 years!

I still remember My first Puter,it made me Violent,I put my fist through the Screen,found out later I hit the wrong box!

I had a big ole HARD DRIVE put in Her,How Big I don't remember?

Then PISSCUTTER Hard Drives ain't no good,PleaseDear & CUPSY filled my old PISSCUTTER Hard Drive up within a few months,lol!:D
Bess, err I mean BOP,

I am NO fan of having the newest and or best computer. I have one new one and a couple that are older than yours. New ain't what its all about. Dependability is.

XP - possibly the best operating system Microsoft has put out to date. I like it. The company I work for still uses it on 5000+ computers. They won't even install a new operating system or otther software until the second service pack. I hate Vista, didnt care much for 2000 or 98 and 95 was a nice first try but a joke. Not sure yet about Windows 7. I have one running it but it looks a lot like Vista. Hoping its just looks.

52x24x52x - have no idea what that means. Probably nothing.

Built by a local computer shop? Hmmmmm... How's the warranty? I thought so. As far as which brand is best. Ummm... do you run a chainsaw that was built in a local shop? Homelite? McCullogh?

Firefox - I don't even want to talk about it any more. Ten times faster that IE? Really? How did you measure that? Never mind.

Here's my honest opinion, and it's priced right.

No one, And I mean NO ONE, that is a casual computer user should have to buy new computer every two years.

Have your hard drive wiped clean,
Have XP reinstalled,
Keep your virus protection up to date,
Use Malware Byte regularly,
KEEP YOUR SERVICE PACKS and operating sysatem updates UP TO DATE.
Stay away from anything that says "Your computer is infected by threats" unless it is from your PAID virus protection.
Never click on any popup ads. If you do,run Malware again.
Lay off the gay and animal porn sites.
If you think Firefox is better, fine, run it. But it's sorta like running an after market chip in your Dodge. Individual results may vary.(the company I mentioned with 5000+ computers, they run IE7, just sayin)

If you want to keep getting the naked pic emails you forward use something like hotmail, gmail, yahoo mail for that. NOT your local ISP email. It's not Bruce's fault. What people don't realize about web based email like hotmail is that all those virus and trojan laden emails get screened on THEIR server before they infect your system. I have never gotten a virus through hotmail. In fact in all the years I have only had one virus infection on my personal home computer.

I completely understand how you punched the computer. I have been madder at more computers over the years than you have at ATVs off trail.

I think Windows XP is for Puter Dummies like me,so I'm stickin with it for now!

Wish you were Closer,I'd let you fix this POS & I'd throw some old used pipe under your house!:D

Who said anything about getting 2 years out of a PUTER?:D

I have to learn the very few things I know about Puters the hard way & from MM'ers!

I got the FireFox Safe going right now,it's way faster than Internet Explorer,why I don't know?

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