pushin 1000


Very Active Member
been here for a few years and I'm wondering as I get a little closer to the 1000 post mark, B-BOP, you got any advice? Turrtle hunting was taken back a few years ago, remember 264 mag,??? Eeelgrasss, maybe you got something good for me?
I can feel the pain already, then again ,, before the mark gets here, I may have some intelligent theory come up from somewhere within..........
Whatever you do don't waste it on some douchebag liberal in the political forum!

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
Well buttshot,
Hang in there!
CA throws some good advice!
I only go downstairs 2-3 times a year just to piss them Libral/Demo Puzzies off!
There is no other reason for me to go there!
Best thing Founder ever did was give em there own place to stay,now if we could just get RELH,RANS & CUPSY to stay outa there(Political BS Forum) they just might not wanna kill a few people so bad!}>}>}>

I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
ehh Let em fight!

1000 Club is almost as fun as the mile high club..

BBop is right, if you notice, I've been hangin' in the Campfire more often because even the normal dudes in the Political forum go wacky on some issues. Some of them want to let the homos get married if you can believe it.

I think you should use your 1000th on a pic of some really hot chicks.

Piper, how's your period?

Zigga, don't forget the knee pads!

Hdude, Lil' Jimmy wants his share!
Im on a mission to hit 1000 by the new year but with quality posts I dought I can though
Dam I didn't even know there was a sportsman Political forum on MM.....!
I'll be staying way away from there! I would surely get banned from MM when I ripped into a few liberals!
once in a while you have to go down stairs and find out what stinks but don't waste a post in there.

There is an old saying that goes "Don't cast pearls before swine!"


There are no big bucks in Utah! LOL
buttshot, you're doing fine. You're barely half way there.

I still get emails from 264magnum.

Get into a five year fight with your wife and before you know it you'll have over 9000 posts.


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