Punks headed for Idaho!


I accepted a career move in Idaho Falls last weekend, looks like the license plates on my truck will have a new look here soon........and maybe i'll finally get a crack at a wolf ;-)
If there's any MM'ers from IF, lets hook up and you can show me all your best big muley hot spots!!
Goodbye fellow Utards ;-)

SLAM, say it ain't so? Good luck in the move. I have family with thousands of acres in the hills near IF......moose, deer, elk, let me know if you need a place to explore/hunt/shed hunt and I'll get you on there.

Keep in touch PUNK!
Idaho ain't that far away,We'll hook up again someday!
Good Luck with the new job!

God is Great!
Life is Good!
And People are Crazy!
I love not acting my age,
Damn I love my NASCAR race,
And Hell yes I love my Truck!
>Seriously leaving?? What a punk!! lol
>good luck to you up
>there Slammy!!

+1 I think he is just putting more miles between him and Stink!!! LOL
I thought Utardia was like the Hotel California. You can check out any time you want but you can never leave...
That sucks!

But happy for ya on starting a new life and career.

Maybe 'Moosie' will take you under his wing? ha

Travel safe Slammy.....

Moving north is a good thing, Now your plates wouldn't be hated in Wyoming. LOL
I'm Happy for ya.

"I have found if you go the extra mile it's Never crowded".
Almost there 'dunk. I lived in that general area (Blackfoot) until I was smart enough to get out of there and go west. Now I live in Boise and love it. It won't take you long and you will be up here. Then I might show you some of my spots. Even though I go that way everyone once in a while.

Good luck with the new job.

Good gawd dude! the beaver huntin in utah is just as good as idaho. But I guess some pelts are better than others in certain locations huh? lol

BTW.... I used to live in Boise. Worked at micron and good lord did i hate that area. Maybe I lived in a bad spot but those were some of the most shallow people I ever knew. People didn't want to be your friend unless you had money. met lots of shallow people.

What really threw me for a loop is when someone told me I was poaching fish?????? WHAT THE???????

I'm sorry but if your puttin a season on a damn fish then change my first name to poacher cuz I'll be damned if I'm gonna wait for fishin season to start! I still laugh everytime I think about a dude callin me a fish poacher. I'm mean really. Come on, its a slimy finned creature that lives in the water!

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
That's crazy punk. Sorry to hear you had problems here. Funny thing is I've lived here for 13 years now and work at Micron. How long ago did you live/work here? Was it Moosie that was giving you the business?

>That's crazy punk. Sorry to
>hear you had problems here.
> Funny thing is I've
>lived here for 13 years
>now and work at Micron.
> How long ago did
>you live/work here? Was
>it Moosie that was giving
>you the business?

That was stinky that wrote that...and no worries, he's hated everywhere he goes.
reddog, thats hilarious. im glad u know me so well lol.

actually i didnt dislike the guys at micron. we got along great. it was the luck i had with the people.

i was in sram at micron and everyone there were great guys. u know tryo krantz or mark bunn or kelly rowles? were all good guys!

ego participate in Monasteriense muleys proinde ego sum bardus (I participate on monstermuleys therefore I am stupid)
Geez Slam,
thought you were moving to Southern Utardia? lots more hot women down there I bet and you could have certainly done the PT thing down there!
Oh well, good luck with the new career!!
Stop by when you are in the area...we all know you will be back sometime or another!!!

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