Public Support of New Sheephole Mtn Guzzler, Calif



Please send your emails by March 23, 2007. We need EVERY ONE to send in their thoughts. The BLM has already received over 500 negative comments. Let's show are pride in wildlife!

Click on the BLM web page below to write the BLM your email.

Email Comments for SD Guzzler [email protected]

Please make your email personal. We don't want ?form emails?

Start off with whom you are. You can write your name, a concerned Citizen, a Conservationist, a Desert resident whatever.

State up front that you support the Department's plan to construct this water source as well as others across the desert. Use the term water source and not a Big game guzzler.

Express whatever thoughts you want in the email. However, listed below are some thoughts that you may want to think about including in your email. You can mention 1, 2 or none of these. Please say what you feel.

If you have any questions please call Terry Anderson at 760.408.7118

Some facts:

? The BLM has listed the Desert Bighorn sheep as a sensitive species meaning it is populations are declining and are in starting to be in trouble range-wide.

? The Department has worked with the BLM over 8 years to install water sources in the Sheephole Mts.

? The EA contains the best scientific information available about sheep, their habitat needs and problems that face them.

? Every State wildlife agency in the Southwest and their scientists advocate making more water available to desert species as many historical water sites no longer exist

? Problems facing sheep are human caused?habitat fragmentation, by roads, railroads, fencing, military activities, livestock grazing, OHV use etc

? Humans have made such a mess of things for desert species that humans are the ones who are going to have to fix it.

? The proposed water sources would benefit a lot of desert wildlife, birds, bats, mammals, insects, etc. in addition to bighorn sheep.

? The desert has become so fragmented that sheep can not move between different ranges as they did historically

? The range has 2 drinkers and because of drought conditions the BLM and Department has had to provide water via helicopter at a very high cost. Clearly, more dispersed water is needed during these stressful times.

? Having additional water sources allows sheep to use more of the habitat.

? Sheep are a natural part of the desert and we should work to see that they remain in the desert into the future.

? The CDPA (California Desert Protection Act of 1994, acknowledged CDFG?s authority over wildlife in the State and their right to continue to conduct wildlife management activities in wilderness.

The BLM has determined that the mode of construction for this project meets the wilderness?s ?minimum tool criteria?

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