Public restroom usage


Very Active Member
Wiz's post brought up a good point which got me thinking about public restrooms. How many of you on a daily basis "sit down" in a public restroom where anybody off the street uses it? I am an emergency user and use lots of TP for a nest. I bet there will be a "pile" of what ifs with this questions and there will be different circumstances "splattered" across the board? I will drive quick to get home or at least to a safe haven, but almost refuse to use a public restroom. Does this make me "Howard Hughes" paranoid.
As long as no one tries to play footsie with me under the stall divider I'm OK. Usually only in emergency will I pinch a loaf in a public restroom.
Just because I chit all over the seat and piss on the floor, doesn't mean that everyone else does!! :)

Did I mention that I have a habit of taking all of the toilet paper with me when I leave?
LAST EDITED ON Aug-20-10 AT 09:32AM (MST)[p]I poop in public quite often. Never in a public restroom though (I work 70 miles out of town). I do take great pride in sometimes being able to plug a toilet at a wal mart though.

You guys need to do a little research about germs.....the ones you are likely to collect on your azz are WAY down the list compared to the germs your kids carry around every day.

The steering wheel on your truck is probably more alive than a Walmart toilet seat.

Worry about something who's stealing your Trailcams.
>I poop in public quite often.
>Never in a public restroom
>though (I work 70 miles
>out of town). I do
>take great pride in sometimes
>being able to plug a
>toilet at a wal mart

Hey Kenny- I've heard oilfield guys say they'll drive 30 more miles just to use a Circle D crapper out there in the patch. LOL I guess they're nice and clean and well maintained.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-20-10 AT 01:21PM (MST)[p]private pooper unless I ate mexican food recently than ita all bets off!! . One time I had a tiajuana momma pickeld pepper from a conv store in the morning than ate a huge dinner at the grumpy gringo in Estes Park I mean I was hungry and over ate. Well on the way to Loveland those curves in the bIG tHOMPSON CANYON WERE DOING A NUMBER ON ME . i WAS SWEATING BULLETS THRU THERE. lITERALLY SWEATING LIKE KOBE AT THE FREE THROW LINE AND CRAMPIN SOMETHING FEIRCE! Made it to a 7 11 in loveland luckily the crapper was available . Got in there a blew out my coloen like never before felt cold all over as my roid was a bleeding badly but over all releif. Walked out of there in front of a line tht had formed I guess I been in there a while . I joined the family back in the Expedition as we watched the teenage boy come running out of the crapper and was all red and puked all over the parking lot . We have never laughed that hard ever. I will never eat a pickeled pepper and mescan on the same day again!
my brother who was visiting from Az at the time entered the store and came right back he said it smelled horrible in there the whole store emptied including the clerk I never smelled a thing but I rarely smell my own poop anyway. Now at a truck stop along some interstate and a trucker has been sitting on a shiznit since LA and he is on the throne I smell that funk and if mine that night was as bad or worse as some colen cash from a long haul 450 lb trucker than I owe that kid something but alas our paths will prolly never cross! wow I really said that!!
ER use only

"Let's keep things in perspective.I mean for Peet's sake there are kids in Africa that don't even hunt....hello" Jimmy Big Time
Hey cjboz, you asked.........I just thought you were being too anal about your anal.

....."building a nest", sounds pretty femme to me!....whatever!
>>I poop in public quite often.
>>Never in a public restroom
>>though (I work 70 miles
>>out of town). I do
>>take great pride in sometimes
>>being able to plug a
>>toilet at a wal mart
>Hey Kenny- I've heard oilfield guys
>say they'll drive 30 more
>miles just to use a
>Circle D crapper out there
>in the patch. LOL
> I guess they're nice
>and clean and well maintained.

No, no they're not! I will drive past them to find a nice secluded spot with a rock to lean against.

I work around the city going from job to job, when I get the urge to go, I have been around enough to know where is clean and where to avoid. when I am in orem I head to the mall and go use the upstairs john. Or I will try to find a bank or credit union. I have 4 or 5 places in each town across the wasatch front that I will head to if needed. But like justr86, if I have a dinosaur brewing I will head to walmart or kmart.

Its the most wonderful time of the year!
Nickman ROTFLMFAO!!!!! I figured I would help out on the threads here since the shock factor has been working really well!!

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