Public Property vs. Private Property


Very Active Member
It seems as though a lot of people argue the point that most of the deer are on private property vs. public property.
I think the reason is that there is more feed on private property, the elk and deer have more feed, back in the early 50s and 60s there were deer everywhere, why, because public property had lots of feed, the blm and other areas were chained and railed to produce feed. Those chained areas have grown back into juniper trees and the feed isn't there anymore. The deer will come back in abundance if some how we could get more chaining to happen on blm grounds. If every sportsmen out there would right a letter to the governor of Utah to ask for blm to loosen the grounds up so that we could re-chain areas, and open up more winter ground, and use equipment to re-plant areas then we would see lots of deer on public property. The deer will go where there is feed and private ground has the feed because private land owners take care of their ground. Public land has not been taken care of very well and needs the improvement.
LAST EDITED ON Dec-22-09 AT 09:56AM (MST)[p]In a way I agree but I think its more than that. I agree we need to improve feed on public. Most private land has more game on there land because of management. Private landowners doesn't shoot every freaking antlered deer they see. They are selective in what animals they take off there ground and they want good herds on there ground. If they let anyone and everyone come hunt there ground and shoot everything and push everything til there toungues are hanging out then it would be the same as public.
If we look at the Le units across utah, We have some great hunting and plenty of deer. Why? because they limit the amount of tags. I dont want the whole state Le but I think cutting some tags would help.

If we want more deer on public we cant shoot every little buck out there. I think we need to cut tags and let the herds rebuild to a stable pop. Theres way too much pressure on public that the ones that survive head for safety and thats usually private.
Even though most public land sucks and there are way too many tags, there are still some great places to hunt but you have to work for it and get away.

If utah would cut some tags and be more concerened about the animals we could have great hunting. I have hunted private ground most of my life. The hunting has been pretty good because we let bucks live. Its not overhunted. I dont hunt that area much anymore. now Im a dedicated hunter I dont really care if I kill one. I am selective and let bucks walk. Ive learned if the hunting sucks move on and find a new spot. And that new spot is just across the border in a place called colorado. Plenty of deer on public land. Less pressure and the chance to see a ton of bucks and maybe if your lucky kill a big boy. Ya it cost a little more but its well worth it.
I will agree with you that public lands have been terribly mis managed for years now, HOWEVER, here at least, there is still a ton of feed on public lands for deer and elk.
Water too.

One of the main reasons game stays on private property is because of no harrassment. Partly due to better feed too, maybe the grass is irrigated or it's a nice hay field, beans, whatever, but as long as no one is bugging them they will stay there.
I have 460 acres in Eastern Washington that is bordered on 3 sides by National Forrest. It is a refuge for deer once the hunting season begins. Actually, once the tribe starts hunting in july it pushes the deer onto my land. The herd has never been healthier. The surrounding Natl. Forrest land gets hunted very hard from Sept-December. I do not allow hunting (not even myself or family) on my land and keep it as a sanctuary. I believe that for the overall health of the heard as a whole there needs to be little spots where deer can escape and not be pressured. Now if I can keep those city douchebags from tresspassing on my land and shooting my pets!

Ultra liberal, wolf loving, illiterate, gay, hippie midgets on crack piss me off!!!!


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