I do not go to the meetings, because I am
a non-resident, and they don't care what we
think, they just want our$$$$!
I have friends that go to the meetings
and voise there opinions which are the same
as mine, and it falls on deaf ears!
I take every survey they put out, what changes
have came from those?
I have done my part, I have not hunted big game
in Idaho for 8 years, Why should I or other
non-residents, Highest price in the country,
with the lowest deer numbers around!
Biologist blow smoke up our as#@$, they guess
on there counts, I have heard it strait from
there mouths. In 1995 I thought you could
not get any lower deer numbers than what
there was that year, but guess what! they
are worse now than then, they have screwed up
good controlled units, and in doing so put
more pressure on reliable general units.
So anyone that thinks the deer herds are ok,
never got to see what Idaho was like even in
the late 80s when I hunted for the first time!