Public comment period

LAST EDITED ON Jul-25-09 AT 11:48AM (MST)[p]

I call to end PUBLIC COMMENT for people who cant say a whole sentence without the word umm or like.

Im so glad, I only had to listen to it, on the computer at least on here I can shut her off. :)
LAST EDITED ON Jul-25-09 AT 11:53AM (MST)[p]I wish there was clips of some of the zoning meetings on public tv here. The homeless people come in and comment on alien abductions, police brutality and and other thing that crosses their mentally ill drug laced minds at the moment. On the other side, you get to see the mayor try to hussle them off the microphone while still trying to appear as if he is listening to their comments.
Like, she totally makes sense. Cuz, um....growing food is FREE. We should just pay for some land and like, grow some food and sell it at the Farmer's Market cuz those people are like, total experts at building stuff and making businesses, you know?

LMAO! She was a treat!

I'm moving to the east coast....they have slaves...

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

LAST EDITED ON Jul-26-09 AT 04:56PM (MST)[p]Obama needs to put her on the Health Care Reform Committee.

I actually couldn't watch the whole thing... this was the first time the thought of suicide came to my mind. thank god i had the ability to shut it off.

"In the bush administration, which is really good" haha

"Life's tough... It's even tougher if you're stupid."
- John Wayne
thanks Brian....if an retired old fart watches and gets bored with it it worth watching at all?


I personally believe like such as in the Iraq that, that woman such as -- is Huntingdudes wife cause they don't have maps in the US, I mean like South Africa or The Iraq.

wonder if they are related?

Kinda reminds me of the woman on the Davis, Calif city council who recently made the following remark during a hearing to expand the urban growth boundary in the Davis area..."What do we need dairy farms for anyway. I can get all the milk I need at the grocery store".

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