Public Apology


Long Time Member
Occasionally I end up putting my foot in my mouth but this time I have to fit the whole computer. With regards to the "South Utah County Poaching" thread that I started I would like to publicly apologize to those idividuals involved. Regardless of whether it happened or not it was absolutely none of my business. I had no right to post that thread and for that my sincere apologies go out to those individuals that it affected. I should have known better and there is absolutely no excuse. There is no need to respond unless you wish to rip me a new one. It would be justly deserved.

It's always an adventure!!!
Not sure why you feel the need to apologize to two jailbirds, and if you live and hunt in Utah, it is YOUR business!
Not sure what happened to make you feel like you need to apologize. Only you know that. What I seen was you gave a link to information to an arrest that is public information. Don't see anything wrong with that. I'm sure someone is telling you that they haven't been convicted yet so there innocent.
They are innocent until proven guilty, you would be given the same rights if you were accused of something. Takes a bigger man to appologize than it does to ramp up the get a rope comments.
Fact is the apology was made because the information was 100% FALSE.. People need to get their facts straight before opening their mouths. It is the people of Utah's buisness to know only if it were true but it isn't. And maybe you should look a little closer because they aren't jailbirds, they never spent 1 second in a jail cell.. So quit gossiping and worry about your own life!!
well....that dude with the ear rings and goat whiskers definately looked innocent to me....

great post/pic, thanks for sharing

LAST EDITED ON Sep-07-09 AT 10:27AM (MST)[p]>Fact is the apology was made
>because the information was 100%
>FALSE.. People need to
>get their facts straight before
>opening their mouths. It
>is the people of Utah's
>buisness to know only if
>it were true but it
>isn't. And maybe you should
>look a little closer because
>they aren't jailbirds, they never
>spent 1 second in a
>jail cell.. So quit
>gossiping and worry about your
>own life!!

Were they charged with a crime, booked into jail, and listed on Utah County's website? If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck, it's a duck! Now why don't you poacher loving #@$%! go have a group hug and PTFO!...
LAST EDITED ON Sep-07-09 AT 11:45AM (MST)[p]I still say there guilty. No rope, just get some string and pull those ugly ass ear rings out.
wow dry boot you really sound like an arrogant ##### with that comment. let me guess lived in utah valley your whole life.

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