PSE Nova


Very Active Member
I know a guy with a 8yr old pse nova that he bought for his kid and he never took to it. Says its only been shot about 50 to a 100 times. Comes with all the goodies,case,arrows,release and so on. Wants 125$ for the set up. Would this be a good bow for myself to get rollin with? Only shot a old browning a few times and I'm looking to get into archery to improve my trophy tag drawing odds. Also I've taken quite a few animals with a rifle and muzzleloader and I'm looking for a new way to skin the cat. Any advice would be great....Thanks Ryan
The Nova will kill, and the price is good.......ASSUMING the string and all the accessories are in good shape. If it's 8 years old it may need a new string and that could cost a fair amount.
Take it too a pro shop, have them look it over, also have them watch you shoot it and make sure the draw length is correct for you.
Good luck.

The Nova has been around a while for a reason, it's a pretty good little bow. If the price is right , the above advice is good , take it to a pro shop and have them look it over. Most pro shops will tell you to upgrade , so be up front and let them know of your intentions of wanting "THAT" bow.I agree about the string , if the limbs are in good shape , re-string it with "Winners Choice" , they are pre stretched and last.
I've said it before and I'll say it again , I know guys who go out every year and buy the latest and greatest of this and that , can shoot lights out on the 3-d range , but are not good hunters.Desire and dedication to be successful will go along ways , whether your carrying a stick bow or a $1500.00 arrow launching rig.Good luck and welcome over to the archery side, once you go archery , your done in for...
Thanks for the info, I did take it to the shop today and the results..... Pretty good shape but a tad too long for me. They measured my draw at about 29 inches and this bow at its shortest setting is still at about 29 3/4 inches. He said I can get away with it for awhile if I shoot fingers and no release. Sound right? I dont know....seems like a trustworthy guy, maybe he's hoping I'll like it and come back and buy a new bow someday? But I did drop a few bucks on a "Block" target and some new easton carbon arrows. Should I not even attemp to practice with this bow as it could cause some bad habits or should I give it a go? When I'm at full draw with this bow it's not that it does'nt feel right it just seems that I have to make an unnatural move with my head to look through the sight. Ahhhhhhh.....Who knows. Thanks again for the info...Ryan
You will have to buy new cams to change the draw. I'm not sure what they would cost for a Nova though.

Shoot it the way it is with fingers. You will be just fine . Just shoot alot !!!!

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