PRP update


Very Active Member
Hi all-
I had my first Platelet Rich Plasma injection today. For those not familiar, this is a non-conventional therapy for the treatment of tendon injuries that has shown great promise in the reduction of healing time and the type of healing done (scar tissue versus actual tissue). This part of the injection is to get the growth factors in the blood directly to the tendon, which has no blood vessels.

I had 90cc of blood withdrawn to concentrate down to 6cc. This was painless. Then the doc used an OMG large bore suction needle to withdraw some fat from my left hip. The lidocaine stung like hell, the fat removal was painless. This part of the injection is to provide both a matrix and stem cells to direct the construction of tissue.

Under ultrasound guidance, the doc then injected the combined blood/fat directly into the rupture on my tendon. Again, the lidocaine stung like a MF, but the injection itself was more like an uncomfortable pressure. It was done in less than 15 mins. I got to watch the fat fill in the holes where the tears are! Kinda creepy.

The lidocaine lasted about 6 hours, my pain level is tolerable with Tylenol right now, but is increasing. I have minimal swelling on the tendon with bruising showing (but that could just be the blood injection, too, I think). The hip is swollen and is the more painful of the two sites.

I'll keep you all posted on recovery; doc says to not expect too much out of the first injection, it is apparently after the second that the healing really starts to take off. The goal is to avoid surgery all together.

If you want more information, just google PRP injections-there is a ton of info out there.


Hello Preddy,
Hope you're doing well & remember,September isn't far away,so hurry & heal up soon,lol!
Get Well soon Preddy,be thinking about you as always!
Cool. I've read about that treatment for professional athletes. Hope it works great for you and you are carrying a pack soon!
Good for you LP.

We are doing a Pork Loin Roast in the Pressure Cooker this afternoon-----with all the fixin's....Ya want to come up?

Maybe Da Warden could cruise down and get ya? if you are on heavy meds?

I would, but my tounge got shocked real bad on my new monitor this morning........funny girl!!

Give one of us a jingle on the telly....

Robb, I will call yas.

I am freaking miserable today. Nothing is helping. Moving my foot makes me want to scream!!
Sounds pretty cool hope it works good for you. Lay off the meds for a few and a couple shots of jack should help, or atleast help put you in a better mood.


I screwed up my shoulder pitching in school and it flares up from time to time. My wife says I'm an @$$ when I'm in pain. So I went to the doctor for something to help. Pills dulled the pain but I was still an @$$. Went to a family gathering and my uncle had some jack! I felt great and was in a lot better mood! I threw the pills away and keep a half gallon on hand. Either jack or crown. I know its not helping my shoulder problem but it makes me feel better. I'm gonna put off surgery for as long as I can.


Alp- yes, it is used for tendinitis. You can search prolotherapy or PRP.

Here is a video I found that does a good job of explaining it:

Pred, sorry to hear what you're going through. That sounds painful and I hope it all works out. Is this the same injury that your dog inflicted awhile back?

Robb, as usual you guys are way too good to me! What a scrumptious feast I have to look forward to tonight! The Warden hit Whole Foods on the way out, so I have all kinds of nummy things to sample the next few days.

Eel, nope this is a ruptured Achilles tendon I snapped during a bike race last August, then reinjured it in Feb.

It is doing much better today, still swollen and sore, but I can flex it a little bit.

On a final note-without MM, I never would have met The PleaseDears! Which means I would have been eating ramen instead of pork loin tonight.(ok, that might have been a small exagerration). But anyway....

We know you better than that Preddy!
You'd be cookin a Deer Steak if it wasn't for PleasDear,lol!
Get well soon,September is coming!
Damn Pred I feel for ya! Been there done the Achillies dilly wopper owie hurty thingymajig. NOT FUN> I will bet ya a kiss on the lips it won't hurt after ya read this. You get better you go girl!!
For hell sakes Kelly!


You are coming onto your 'week ago' so how is your PRP gig feeling?

Swelling going down?
Vicious pain going away?

You able to walk somewhat normal yet?

Please--text---'NYC'---as she is all concerned!

Robb- Kelly knows all he has to do is put on the Gazebo cologne, and I'd be toast.

I have graduated from walking like an 80-yr old to about 70. Still swells up at night, bruising is gone. I can walk a whe 16 minutes before my calf spasms, but that might just be from being in a boot for a month. Spent an hour in the yard today, it let me know when time was up. I am exhausted!

I'll text NYC right now. Didya fill up yer dumpster?


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