Providing a proposal


Very Active Member
I have an idea. It is clear that there are 2 or 3 people on here that don't seem to understand certain concepts, like common sense.

My proposal to all: avoid wasting your time commenting to tristate, elk30, and a few others that seem to waste our time and patients. I know I will look at anything said by them as purely idiotic and a waste of my time to try to comment or help them understand. I think the rest should do the same. Let's use our posts and time more wisely. I honestly feel that these 2 are just stiring the pot.
I wised up and saw him/them for what he/them was and quit responding. If everyone else would do that he/they would go away!
"patients" are what doctors see.........

I am not an english major nor do I care, but that is what is needed I guess after all the crap they post. Either they need to see the DR or I do to see if I am sane.
""patients" are what doctors see........."

Professor JB I always get mixed up on the ship of the desert thing, is it semen or seamen?....... Terry
I like How every single person on this thread so far are boys who gave up on expressing logic and just devolved into mudslinging and trash talking. You are beat. Not because I am some great mind and yall were wrong, but because you were quiters. It is better you give up.
Tri, I want to personally thank you for your comments, and I promise you I will give them due consideration.
I think Topgun is at the "TOP" of the list for pot stiring. He can't wait to discredit someone who does'nt agree with him.
LAST EDITED ON Aug-02-12 AT 09:55AM (MST)[p]HAHAHA nice depiction!!

Trolls are everywhere and when left to they're own to argue with, they disapear.

OK JB, spell check hahaha
OttercreekKid, I want to personally thank you for your comments, and I promise you I will give them due consideration.
"I think Topgun is at the "TOP" of the list for pot stiring. He can't wait to discredit someone who does'nt agree with him."

Man he is letting everyone else off easy just trying to discredit them. He e-mails me and says people are comming to kick my ass!:7 Freakin children.
Never said any such thing! I said there are some loony enough poeple out there that if you piss them off they might come looking to kick your ass. Big difference, but just another twist by Tri!
See topgun, just let them be. Its not worth fighting someone that is ashamed of thier name and profile. They really dont want people to know who they are. Just let them go and ignore them. All we are doing is fueling thier fire.
"They really dont want people to know who they are."

Topgun knows exactly who I am. I am Ben Cromeens and I live in Houston, and there isn't one thing I have said on this forum that I wouldn't say while looking right in your eyes. Whats funny is just like I told Topgun on his e-mail. Everybody wants to know all about me for whatever reason, I don't even care who yall are! Yall are owned.

As hunters and fishermen, we face many obstacles that threaten our heritage. Those obstacles that come at us from the outside I can face head on, with fortitude and purpose, knowing my enemy has an agenda and a plan to execute it. What I perceive as an equal if not greater threat is the dissention and dissonance within our own family that is driving a wedge of division deep and hard. That's a tough threat to combat, but it must be done before the division is so great that we will be chewed up and spat out by the outsiders.

When I first came on to this site and others to introduce the United Wildlife Cooperative, I knew we would be facing distrust in our motives. That's perfectly understandable given the dissatisfaction permeating the hunting and fishing realm for both Conservation Organizations and State Wildlife Agencies. So many of us had simply given up, not having a say so in the direction our heritage was going. Our hope in founding the UWC was to help organize these blue-collar hunters and fishermen, giving them an outlet to voice their concerns and have those concerns forwarded to those who are at the forefront of steering our heritage. Not an easy undertaking to say the least, but we founding members resolved NOT to follow the norm in Conservation Organizations, and formed a cooperative. It was HOPE that was based in that decision, not greed, not envy, not collusion. We vowed NOT to use our wildlife as a means of funding our efforts, no conservation tags, no convention tags; we would find other ways to accomplish that, as many organizations are currently doing. It was HOPE that somehow we might find a way to work with other organizations to make great strides in unity within both our industry and in the direction our heritage needed to go. We all knew it would take a loud and consolidated voice of hunters and fishermen to accomplish that, and it is happening.

I know there are some who don't care for the direction the UWC is heading, and that's all fine and good. Voicing opinions and concerns is much, much better than complacency and inaction. The UWC will continue to listen to those who want to be heard and forward those concerns where they need to go, and the sun will still rise tomorrow. But lets all do what we can to stop driving the wedge of dissention. There is room for all of us, trophy hunters, blue collar hunters, deer hunters, elk hunters, fly fishermen, bait fishermen, youth hunters, women hunters, old hunters, bird hunters, et al. If we don't, I fear the consequences just may be our demise.

Perry Hanks
I have done really good to stay out of this as I'm just a NR hunter. But when you have a sliver in your Butt you remove it. Just sayin.

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