Protein Powder


Active Member
Alright, I am 14 years old and trying to slim down for football while also trying to boost my muscle mass. On average I lift atleast four days a week with some cardio mixed in. I don't need to build my muscle mass all that much, but it is always nice to gain more muscle. What protien powder would you guys reccomend?
LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-11 AT 08:26PM (MST)[p]Ask StankyStomper he is a meat head.......I think he tries to get around 14,000 grams of protien per day . Give or take.
Whey protien powder 1/2 hour after lifting.

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
All joking aside. I wouldnt go crazy lifting at 14. Try to eat healthy and be active and lift properly. I would worry less about the amount of weight you were lifting and focus on proper form on your lifts. This will build good habbits and once the T starts kicking in you can move on to heavier weights.
ISOpure. It is a good "clean" "pure" protein. It does not have all of the other fillers to make you get big fast. But like they said stay off the heavy waights. It's not worth it.
Listen to everything these guys said. My son is now 17 and next year will be his senior season. He is 6'3'-240lbs and had a back issue do to heavy weights. Stick to lighter weights,good form and reps. As for supplements,my son uses EAS premium protein in fruit smoothies. Lots of fruits and veggies to go with your proteins and cardio. Google Bo Jackson, that dude never touched a weight in his life and he was one of the most chiseled guys ever. Good luck in your training and remember nothing can replace hard work and dedication.
Nothing wrong with lifting at your age and you should. I will leave the protein powder to the fitness gurus that know.

I will offer you some training advice though. Advice I wish I would have gotten when I was your age. Don't simply lift and do so some cardio.

You want to train for power, strength and explosiveness. Olympic lifts, cross training, plyometrics, etc.

You are have google and the internet to help you out.

Good luck, work hard, no regrets.
Lmao! I don't think you have to tell a 14 yr old boy that D13er,I'm sure its already in the training regiment. Trouble is it makes one arm way stronger than the other.
Unless you are going to use all that protein powder, via a lot of working out, you may be wasting your money.

There used to be some pretty sound theory, along with peer reviewed research which indicates that any excess protein gets either: 1) flushed down the toilet or 2) gets stored as fat. There may be some recent theory which suggests otherwise.

I think you would be better off by getting one of these nutrition books and then deciding just how much, if any, protein you need.

I worked in the profession for many years; I know of no professional or NCAA team which does not employ a strength and conditioning specialist who is not certified by either or both of the following organizations. Either one certified by these guys: or these guys:

You are too young to screw this up by listening to internet advice.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
LAST EDITED ON Apr-22-11 AT 10:55PM (MST)[p]Optimum nutrition 100% natural whey protein. It does not contain any weird ingredients or fillers or artificial sweeteners.
Thanks for the replies... even the funny ones. I know what you guys are saying about not doing the heavy weights too soon. I screwed myself when I first started lifting hard. I didn't think that I had to focus on form because I could lift as much as everybody else because I have always been a big kid and pretty strong ( I know better now). I messed up my back (its better now) doing squats and it is a constant struggle for me right now trying to keep my form on all my lifts. As for not really doing heavy weights, that is not really an option for me because the football program that I am in has a weightlifting test that you have to pass to get on the team. For example to get full points on squat I would have to squat 400 lbs. and to get full points on bench I would have to bench 300 lbs.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-23-11 AT 01:44AM (MST)[p]Trying to slim down? Run, run, and run some more. I was a ranch/farm boy who had to put in at least a half a day of chores every day, every summer. Once we got all the branding done, no time and then the haying season came in and we had 4 or 5 barns to fill with our bales. Great stuff for getting in shape though now most of that stuff is done by machines. Natural and repetitious hard work is a good way to go though it may be tough to find/get a job like that depending where you live.

After work, run or hike the hills scouting deer. Push yourself! I liked to run home from school...that was 8 miles, and i'd sprint the last couple hundred yards or so. Then i'd grab a 22 and my binos and head off into the hills scouting bucks. Though lots of guys worked with weights during the summer, i just did regular ranch/farm work, hunted bucks, doves, quail, ducks, pheasants, fished, and ran. For me, i was first string in Football, Basketball, and Baseball, ended up getting a full ride as the starting middle linebacker to a major University and i never ever took supplements or lifted a weight other than messing around a bit during PE. Lifting weights is too much hype, IMO. Hard work and running, don't walk, don't get a ride, run! It worked for me.

Run Forest, Run!!

At 14 years old you still have plenty of groath years ahead of you. I dont like all the emphasis on powders, pills, suppliments, and the like. You are a growing boy and the best thing you can do to gain mass and strength is to EAT! Eat lean and green and then when you are done eat some more. Food, good food, is the key here. If you stay active, work out properly, and eat lots of food then your body will develope on its own without all of the suppliments. Leave the suppliments to the older guys that have stopped growing on their own and need the extra little boost.
I am by no means an expert, but my advice would be to eat protein with every meal and snack. Of course lean protein is best but don't be afraid to eat more fatty meats once in a while. Your body and brain need it for development. I have the p90x program that I use along with going to the gym. The p90x is would be something you should think about. It doesn't use a lot of heavy weight training. Mostly push ups and pull ups. The plyometrics workout is great and would be good agility training for the upcoming football season. I wishI would have had it when I was younger.

Which Hand/Arm of yours has the biggest Muscles on it?


For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
He is right. Bo Jackson was keynote speaker at a convention I attended and spoke at in Las Vegas about 7-8 years ago. Bo said he used no weight training. He is a good guy and one of the friendliest athletes I have ever met. He also hunts.

> Listen to everything these guys
>said. My son is now
>17 and next year will
>be his senior season. He
>is 6'3'-240lbs and had a
>back issue do to heavy
>weights. Stick to lighter weights,good
>form and reps. As for
>supplements,my son uses EAS premium
>protein in fruit smoothies. Lots
>of fruits and veggies to
>go with your proteins and
>cardio. Google Bo Jackson, that
>dude never touched a weight
>in his life and he
>was one of the most
>chiseled guys ever. Good luck
>in your training and remember
>nothing can replace hard work
>and dedication.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Testosterone stacked with human growth hormone, deca, anadrol, dianabol, winstrol, equibolan, trenbalone and anovar. then eat like a pig for 1 month and bam your ready to try out for the steelers!

Don't listen to slammy. He's gonna have you drinking your own urine and eating cockroaches for protein!
Yea, HGH is pretty cool...unless it is taken from a diseased pituitary gland; then bad things can happen. Too bad you just can't silence the myostatin gene easily.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
This is ss.

Myostatin? I used up all my big words in the previous post. Now I gotta go google more biology and drug terminology. Can't u just shut up sometimes? I was sounding smart for a second.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-24-11 AT 10:45PM (MST)[p]Run! Every great athlete i've ever known had great wheels! I'll take being in better shape against my opponent than being stronger any day, every time. Being in better shape allows you to think when everybody else is tired and out of breath. You can't get that from a supplement or out of some bottle. Run!!!

Edit; if someone advised me to take this supplement or that enhancer, i'd run, not walk, away from that person as fast as i could. A body builder is one thing, a Athlete is another...NOT the same!

>AT 10:45?PM (MST)

>Run! Every great athlete i've ever
>known had great wheels! I'll
>take being in better shape
>against my opponent than being
>stronger any day, every time.
>Being in better shape allows
>you to think when everybody
>else is tired and out
>of breath. You can't get
>that from a supplement or
>out of some bottle. Run!!!
>Edit; if someone advised me to
>take this supplement or that
>enhancer, i'd run, not walk,
>away from that person as
>fast as i could. A
>body builder is one thing,
>a Athlete is another...NOT the
I understand whast you're saying about running. Last year was my freshman year and we would condition a lot. I didn't know if it was worth it till we started playing and the fourth quarter of every game we were leaving the other team in the dust. Having an undefeated season with not one game within 20 points and multiple shut outs taught me how important it is to condition.
>Testosterone stacked with human growth hormone,
>deca, anadrol, dianabol, winstrol, equibolan,
>trenbalone and anovar. then eat
>like a pig for 1
>month and bam your ready
>to try out for the
>Don't listen to slammy. He's gonna
>have you drinking your own
>urine and eating cockroaches for

Hey!! Don't be giving away ALL my secrets!!
If your going to "run" make sure its beneficial to the sport you going in to. Running atrophies muscle. If you want big huge lineman legs for football or bodybuilding, running is your worst enemy. Sprints would be much better.
HF, OK, I'm glad that you were able to see the benefits of being in shape even if it had to be late in games. That is one obvious times when it shows the most. Now what i'm saying is to take it to another level, already being in much better shape than the rest of your team and being able to happily and tirelessly sprint out any and all your Coaches can/could possibly dish out BEFORE the practice season, two a days, even start.

You will loose all the excess weight, or turn it into muscle, by running every day and making a game of pushing yourself to the very limit when ever climbing a mountain or hard work is involved. I also did lots of sets of sit-ups and push-ups. Not getting rides and running everywhere, across town or out to the ranch and back, put me way ahead so not even close, of my team mates when summer was over and football was ready to start.

Being in "that kind" of shape carried me right thru Football and right into hunting season. No buck back country was too far or too rough a country to go in after em and most of those i'd get, i'd pack out whole on my back. Out deer were Blacktails and only 80-120 pounds but i got so i could pack a buck for several miles back to the ranch house, up and down as it came, without ever stopping for rest. Because of the conditioning that was so great for sports, i found it was fantastic for hunting as well.

When you get a bit older and start getting into serious dating and marriage, there are other advantages to this kind of training as well. :)

Get a good physically hard job, i hauled hay but there's others, be the best at it there ever was by pushing yourself and then run or seriously hike the mountains near every day after work. It's natural and it works! Good luck with it!

"If your going to "run" make sure its beneficial to the sport you going in to. Running atrophies muscle. If you want big huge lineman legs for football or bodybuilding, running is your worst enemy. Sprints would be much better."

Slam, This guy sounds like a big kid. He's wanting to get in shape for Football. For bodybuilding exhibition, your statements are surely true but for any athlete, your saying, "Running atrophies muscle", to mean that running 2-8 mile loops after work is any kind of disadvantage, i strongly disagree.

slamdunk is right.
Muscles will react to the type of stressor(s)/training placed upon them. Football is largely an anaerobic sport; full of quick bursts which require a lot of energy to be expended over a short period of time. Fast twitch muscle fibers must be enhanced. FWIW, fast twitch fibers rely on a short term glycolytic energy system to produce those quick, explosive movements.

Running, other than sprints, utilize slow twitch muscle fibers.

There is a lot of peer reviewed evidence which suggests that running longer distances will actuaclly de-tune those muscle fibers necessary for the short bursts of energy needed for football. This is not to say that football players should not run; just don't emphasize it as the main source of athletic training.

SS, I love you too, man. :*

>"If your going to "run" make
>sure its beneficial to the
>sport you going in to.
>Running atrophies muscle. If you
>want big huge lineman legs
>for football or bodybuilding, running
>is your worst enemy. Sprints
>would be much better."
>Slam, This guy sounds like a
>big kid. He's wanting to
>get in shape for Football.
>For bodybuilding exhibition, your statements
>are surely true but for
>any athlete, your saying, "Running
>atrophies muscle", to mean that
>running 2-8 mile loops after
>work is any kind of
>disadvantage, i strongly disagree.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
I've never seen a track runner or bicyclist with football players quads.
When I train men and women for bodybuilding or figure shows, they never go over 40 minutes on a cardio machine and I NEVER have them run.
Sprints hit those fast twitch fibers feddoc talked is not a long distance running sport. The MOST they ever run is 100 yards on a punt return, even then its only really about 80 at best.
Flexibility is huge when weight lifting. Make sure you warm up , stretch, then stretch again as you cool down. Learn how to lift properly. Weight lifting is great for your heart and it continues to burn fat hours after your done with your workout.

Government doesn't fix anything and has spent trillions proving it!!!
Let's face it...After Monday and Tuesday, even the calender says WTF!
Fedock, Sounds good but a bunch of Crap in reality! Spin it how you want but jogging a few miles a day is not going to hurt a young, big guy, aspiring football player. Period!

You take a 250 pound linebacker, me, and get him to run 2-8 miles after hauling hay all summer day, get him down to 230 pounds and you'll have a stronger, more mentally tough, better in-shape linebacker!

"I've never seen a track runner or bicyclist with football players quads."

Really? You got to be kidding me but while i was Playing Backer at Univ of Arizona, our tailback ran a legitimate 4.3, was highly recruited as a track guy and our fullback shared the NCAA record for the 100 meters at the time. Seems lots of former track guys went pro ball...No?

I'm not saying that you can't get their by sprinting but i am saying that You CAN get there by running miles. I know that because i stayed that way for many years and i never used a drug or supplement to do so!

How many body builders do you see starting at Football, basketball, and baseball, who just as easily could have excelled in track, wrestling, and Tennis, as well if allowed to do so? I was one of those kinda guys yet i didn't go for big muscles, i went for being in the best shape possible and, as i said, "it worked for me", and you who think it wouldn't work for other athletically inclined kids of larger stature who have the mental toughness to do as i did, are full of it!

LOL Joey!
I don't remember saying running wont get you in the best shape of your life, I don't doubt that, never would! I was talking about building and sparring muscle mass in quads.....period.
LAST EDITED ON Apr-25-11 AT 04:03PM (MST)[p]LAST EDITED ON Apr-25-11 AT 03:37?PM (MST)

Wow, I just don't know where to start. There is no 'spin' to it, Joey. And to be quite honest with you, that appears to be a backhanded way of suggesting that what I said is not the truth. I have a PhD in Physiology and have possibly written more professional journal articles than you have read. I've also worked at both the Division I level and at the professional level as a Strength and Conditioning Coach. I am certified by the NSCA, ACSM, and am a certified powerlifting Coach. I am also a board certifed Physiologist. (yea, there is a board certification for this).

And you?

I think you might be better off staying in your own lane.

BTW, I love you too, man...but not as much as I do SS. :D

>Fedock, Sounds good but a bunch
>of Crap in reality! Spin
>it how you want but
>jogging a few miles a
>day is not going to
>hurt a young, big guy,
>aspiring football player. Period!
>You take a 250 pound linebacker,
>me, and get him to
>run 2-8 miles after hauling
>hay all summer day, get
>him down to 230 pounds
>and you'll have a stronger,
>more mentally tough, better in-shape
>"I've never seen a track runner
>or bicyclist with football players
>Really? You got to be kidding
>me but while i was
>Playing Backer at Univ of
>Arizona, our tailback ran a
>legitimate 4.3, was highly recruited
>as a track guy and
>our fullback shared the NCAA
>record for the 100 meters
>at the time. Seems lots
>of former track guys went
>pro ball...No?
>I'm not saying that you can't
>get their by sprinting but
>i am saying that You
>CAN get there by running
>miles. I know that because
>i stayed that way for
>many years and i never
>used a drug or supplement
>to do so!
>How many body builders do you
>see starting at Football, basketball,
>and baseball, who just as
>easily could have excelled in
>track, wrestling, and Tennis, as
>well if allowed to do
>so? I was one of
>those kinda guys yet i
>didn't go for big muscles,
>i went for being in
>the best shape possible and,
>as i said, "it worked
>for me", and you who
>think it wouldn't work for
>other athletically inclined kids of
>larger stature who have the
>mental toughness to do as
>i did, are full of

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Slam, this is where my nose got out of joint here, you said, "If you want big huge lineman legs for football or bodybuilding, running is your worst enemy. Sprints would be much better.

Athletes do not need huge muscles in their legs. Strong legs yes. I did well with running miles, your statement sounds as if you disagreed with my advice. Any running i mentioned was in conjunction of doing hard physical labor, or any kind, along with it.

Feddock, Good for you! I was the guy that out played every other athlete that i came up against... including those that worked out with trainers under professionally guided guys like you. No offense, for some, maybe a trainer is needed. I'll post up newspaper articles claiming the documented overwhelming shape that i reported to camps in. During my career there were bigger, stronger, and faster guys that i competed against, both on my teams and those we competed against. I pretty much excelled over all of them and i attribute that to my off season work program and running.

I'm also on my Collage football Hall of Fame, have both individual records, and as Captain of the Defense, team records 35 years old, that are still standing. As i said, good for you to be as you claim but i found out what works/worked for me as a all around athlete without help and you can put that in your journal books free of charge! I'm not the guy who helps others do it, i did it!

Joey, I did it too. Starting MLB at USC. I still hold one NPA record. Your assumption that I never did anything with that knowledge is seriously flawed. What worked for you is good and is by far an anomaly in the sports world. What worked for me and, literally, thousands upon thousands of other guys/girls will continue to work for the vast majority of athletes.

Don't bother posting old newspaper articles; I don't care and don't doubt what you say. And I certainly don't need your approval for what I have done, either.

>Slam, this is where my nose
>got out of joint here,
>you said, "If you want
>big huge lineman legs for
>football or bodybuilding, running is
>your worst enemy. Sprints would
>be much better.
>Athletes do not need huge muscles
>in their legs. Strong legs
>yes. I did well with
>running miles, your statement sounds
>as if you disagreed with
>my advice. Any running i
>mentioned was in conjunction of
>doing hard physical labor, or
>any kind, along with it.
>Feddock, Good for you! I was
>the guy that out played
>every other athlete that i
>came up against... including those
>that worked out with trainers
>under professionally guided guys like
>you. No offense, for some,
>maybe a trainer is needed.
>I'll post up newspaper articles
>claiming the documented overwhelming shape
>that i reported to camps
>in. During my career there
>were bigger, stronger, and faster
>guys that i competed against,
>both on my teams and
>those we competed against. I
>pretty much excelled over all
>of them and i attribute
>that to my off season
>work program and running.
>I'm also on my Collage football
>Hall of Fame, have both
>individual records, and as Captain
>of the Defense, team records
>35 years old, that are
>still standing. As i said,
>good for you to be
>as you claim but i
>found out what works/worked for
>me as a all around
>athlete without help and you
>can put that in your
>journal books free of charge!
>I'm not the guy who
>helps others do it, i
>did it!

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
Sounds like we have some real athletes here on MM, Congrats to all of your accomplishments, I'm impressed!!
I didn't play ball growing up, I was too skinny. Now I'm 44 years young, a lean 230 lbs @ 5' 11" and a pile of NPC bodybuilding trophies and medals to my name since 2004 till currant.
To end this argument....keep doing what your doing cuz it obviously worked for YOU! ;-)
Now this is getting fun! Sure beats the religious quarrel under the MoTab thread.

feddoc, not so fast, I'd like to see some old newspaper clippings.
Feddock, Now why is your nose out of joint?

I simply offered plain advice to this young man yet you came here saying stuff about "Fast twitch muscle fibers must be enhanced. FWIW, fast twitch fibers rely on a short term glycolytic energy system to produce those quick, explosive..."

That kinda stuff is not in my lingo, haven't a clue what you're talking about and sounded like some "spin" to make my advice wrong.

I'm definitely not trying to piss anybody off here. I'm just saying a guy, especially a big guy, can do it himself if he wants to, and how i got it done. My Coaches had weight lifting all summer that was mandatory for team members. I was completely excused from these workouts as well as several other "corn fed farm boy" friends of mine. We simple didn't need it and the Coach knew it. We weren't city guys hanging around the Burger joints. We were working our butts off for our families and playing hard in the outdoor sports in our time off. That work... and my own running routine, allowed me to excel and i truly believe, it would others too.

Congrats on your Football career. If like me, you will proudly carry that with you the rest of your life!

The safest advice given on this thread was nuked...


The poster does not take any responsibility for any hurt or bad feelings. Reading threads poses inherent risks. The poster would like to remind readers to make sure they have a functional sense of humor before they visit any discussion board.
The Chicks claim PUNK has a Big Muscle!

I'm not gonna argue but I don't wanna see it!:D

For GAWDS Sakes Guys,We Got Kids on this Site,Some of them are 65 years Old!:D

I don't care if they're big or small!
If they throw lead I like em all!
LAST EDITED ON Apr-25-11 AT 05:48PM (MST)[p]Nope, it is all in good fun. Joey, I wasn't meaning to piss you off either.

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
>300 lbs at 14 years old.
> Must be a huge

WOW. Did I say I was 300. I am definately not 300. I am 220 (still a really big kid) at 5' 10".
Some of these posts are pretty funny. Thanks for all the advice guys.
Newspapers weren't around back then.

>Now this is getting fun! Sure
>beats the religious quarrel under
>the MoTab thread.
>feddoc, not so fast, I'd like
>to see some old newspaper

Compromise, hell! ... If freedom is right and tyranny is wrong, why should those who believe in freedom treat it as if it were a roll of bologna to be bartered a slice at a time?
In defense of feddoc, his explaination of fast twitch fibers and explosive quick movements was very correct. Running will lean you up, improve endurance, but it will definately NOT "build" muscle. I'm certain that a good combination can give the best of both worlds. And like we all know, there are different body types in which need trained much differently.
The kid PM'd me asking how to put size on his answer to him was not to run for miles and miles. He wants to know how much protein to "build his legs up". If i told him that number and he ran for miles and miles, he'd burn up all those protein calories and atrophy his legs. To build muscle, the tissue has to be broken down, fed and rested, plain and simple.
Maybe there's some confusion or miscommunication on what he's trying to accomplish.....
But hey.....right or wrong, at least a few of us arent couch potatoes!! ;-)
LAST EDITED ON Apr-25-11 AT 06:09PM (MST)[p]NSlam, next thing you know you'll be tellin' that kid to have some of that protein powder in one of them new fangled Smoothies. ;-)
>AT 06:09?PM (MST)

>NSlam, next thing you know you'll
>be tellin' that kid to
>have some of that protein
>powder in one of them
>new fangled Smoothies. ;-)

New fangled smoothies??
Maybe i want one too!
I'm definitely not an expert in the area, but lean meat and eggs are a pretty proven source of protein. Michael Phelps is a pretty good example of an athlete that seemed to have explosive power and endurance. A lot of eggs in that guy's diet.
Long story short. Bicycilist are skinny lanky people who have zero ability to play football. They would get killed by the likes of me and slammy. I'm 6'4" at 270 with my last bf measurement at 14%. As for me I can't run. I have a rip in the artery in my right lung and need it repaired or my right lung removed. I control my weight through diet alone. Slammy was instrumental in helping and pointing me to the right people to help me do this. Feddoc is dead nuts on with his advice and sage advice will only hurt you for football. His advice is nothing short of BS! sorry sage but this kid wants to play football and in my experience 8 miles a day is only gonna turn him into a lance armstrong. Some kids are just big kids and I remember tons of kids like that who hard cardio better than the bean poles because of sprints. Sprints build cardio and don't burn your muscles.

Sorry to be rude but feddoc and slammy know their stuff. You need to realise that and back off. Its a simple fact of knowing when your beat and quite frankly those two have you out gunned big time.

I'm an electrical engineer so would you care to debate electronics with me? This issue is the same thing. Just because you may have installed a dimmer switch or two doesn't mean you know anything about the electrical spikes you are introducing to the electrical grid nor does it mean you understand the triangle wave ciruit you just introduced to your house. Do you get my point?
So back to the original question...

A great tasting and quality protein powder is Syntha 6, made by BSN. It's mostly whey but has a few other types of protein mixed in, it digests a little slower than pure whey so not as much is wasted if not used up immediately. I'd recommend the cookies and cream.

Its lonely at the top.... just the way I like it.
Stinky, It's been awhile if not the first time i ever felt incline to answer your dribble. You burned your threads with me a long time ago. I really care not what you or your wife think or save It, stow it, shove it,... when it comes to giving your advice to me, please don't bother yourself!

Listen up folks, I did what i did, the way i said it. It worked for me though i was born with plenty of leg mass and power in my legs to begin with. Imagine my shock when as a 7-8th grader at JC Penny's, the pants that fit me were designed for the "CHUNKY". I hated that term back then, "CHUNKY", i wasn't no chunky! Well maybe i was a bit but even then, i knew i was in the top handful of kids who could run, kick, throw, do it all.

In any event, there was a very good foundation to work with and my liking to run, i didn't love it, did nothing to hurt me on my way to becoming a pretty fair all around athlete. My advice is worth what you paid for it, take it or leave it, i truly care not.

I'll leave off with a story that i may have told here before. I knew several guys who used Steroids, some on my teams. I knew lots of guys that used amphetamines during practice and games, some on my team. I never used either, never needed them, and i usually played better ball, had better games, than they did. I had a trainer try to inject me with pain killer meds right before a game so that i could run faster. I had a muscle strain in my lower back that had sidelined me for a few days, told him i'd play the game as is but i'm not taking the shot.

Though i played almost every play the rest of the season, i did not start another game. I had declined to take that shot, the powers that be on that team decided to punish me for that by still playing me...but taking away my starting job though every guy on that team knew who the man was and it weren't the guy that started and play a series of downs before i came in for the rest of the game.

I now don't care much for Football. I'm glad i did what i did but honestly, there are other sports. Football players are like disposable Army Guys out there, take that hill men! Oops, i need some more guys. Take that hill, you're the man, you can do it, go get em! Screw that! Play tennis! it's a lot more fun!

LAST EDITED ON Apr-26-11 AT 01:52PM (MST)[p]I think I must have missed something. Could someone please point me to the thread where I said I really cared what peoples opinions were of me??????

I would say I'm sorry but I'm not. Why you ask? because I wasn't being mean. I was simply pointing out that slammy and feddoc have lots and lots of experience in this area and with more than one body type like yourself. Simply put they know more than you do in this area. If i hurt your ego by pointing out that someone is better in another area than you are then you will just have to live.

Now just remember that you have your strong points in life to. You know more about something in other areas than most of us on here do. Just don't get to boastful about your strong points cuz there's always someone better than you and as long as you realize that in life you will be ok.

Lets take slammy.... I will fully admit he's a much better body builder than I am. Will that go to slammy's head? nope! he's fully aware that jay cutler is more successful at it than he is. Will that go to Jay Cutler's head? Probably not because he realizes at any time there's gonna be someone out there that will eventually beat him which means there's always someone better than you out there.

Sorry to point that out so plainly but thats the truth.

And back to the point.

Anytime you workout the best protein powder after workouts according to slammy and backed up by myself is aftershock. before workouts and during the day any solid whey protein that doesn't give you the farts is good. If it gives you the farts its a cheap japanese version of whey that your body can't digest. follow those simply rules and your good. I use Isopure protein for my whey and aftershock for post workouts. hope that helps and sorry for the cat fight kiddo!

Oh, and btw, don't follow slammy's advice. You will be ripped by your Junior year in high school which means you wont graduate high school cuz you'll have the entire cheer leading squad pregnant. Wait on getting ripped till you graduate from college. OK!
Stinky was definitely my biggest challenge thus far. Its no secret he's extremely bull headed but once he realizes "his way" doesn't work, he will eventually give in and listen ;-)
But stinky was easy compared to trying to convince a 145 pound woman that she'll build muscle AND burn fat on a 1800 calorie six meals a day diet and be ready to stand on a stage at less than 9% bodyfat in 15 weeks!!

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